I would love to see a dio of those two going at it and I think it will happen eventually.
I hope not because I woudl also love a dio of Vader beside the Emperor watching as he kills Luke with lightning.
Ya, my only fear is they'll probably feel Sith lightning too hard to pull of and get collectors to like the result and just go the saber route. I hope not because I woudl also love a dio of Vader beside the Emperor watching as he kills Luke with lightning.
Well, maybe since these are done differently than the 1:6th it might be more likely to happen. Being as these are sculpted polystone and painted. If that makes sense.
Totally agree, it was about "wow look at Yoda!" There just wasn't any relationship between Dooku and any of the 3 Jedi really, and you only learn of Yoda's relationship at the end of the duel, might have added something if the Padawan part was established before sabers crossed. That lack of relationship carried over into ROTS, I still didn't feel like there was anything going on other than a stepping stone duel to clear out one apprentice for Anakin to rise.
Great pics Dave... and in the recent SW Insider they rank the top 10 lightsaber fights...
#10 Obi & Anakin vs. Dooku (ROTS)
#9 Obi vs. Darth (ANH)
#8 Obi vs. Grievous (ROTS)
#7 Qui-Gon & Obi vs. Darth Maul (TPM)
#6 Yoda vs. The Emperor (ROTS)
#5 Mace vs. Palpatine (ROTS)
#4 Luke vs. Vader (ESB)
#3 Yoda vs. Dooku (AOTC)
#2 Luke vs. Vader & The Emperor (ROTJ)
#1 Obi vs. Anakin (ROTS)
Number 1 is obvious but #7 & #3 need to be at least reversed I'd think...