
Never read the Silmarillion? Bunch of boners.
If you dont want to read though the books searching a lot of the commonly unknown stuff is mostly documented on Wiki.
Last paragraph of Literature.
Like did you know Aragorn was 210 when he passed.
Not to much info on this im afraid.
Wonder if anyone was still alive, besides the elves.....or do the Undying Lands give you an extended life?.......hum....don't think that was ever addressed. Stuff to ponder....
Well seeing as its the place were people go when they die anyway (the Halls of Mandos is part of the Undying Lands I believe) it doesn't really matter.
But they are reborn within Valinor though no? The immortal ones that is. Those that have the choice of a mortal life and take it will pass through the halls and then onto the 'unknown', whereas the immortals pass through the halls and end up back in the lands of Valinor to dwell. That's what makes the parting of Elrond and Arwen that much sadder since they know they probably will never meet again.Dead Elves go there as well.
That's what makes the parting of Elrond and Arwen that much sadder since they know they probably will never meet again.