Watched the first three episodes. Not great, but not bad. I kind of see this as very good fan fiction.
Any in-depth exploration of the Bene Gesserit will rob them of their mystery, this is a given.
But I really don't love the treatment here: it lacks a darkness and gravitas in their day-to-day depiction. Kind of a Hogwarts feel I can do without.
Fimmel is playing late-season Ragnar again. Not great.
The Salusa Secundus night life and nobles getting their kicks wasn't very imaginative. Rich *********s snorting drugs and listening to generic techno I can find in my own city every weekend. *yawn*
They're overexposing The Voice, too repetitive and its origin story is cheapening it.
I can forgive the overly expository dialogue to an extent since this has to appeal to casual viewers.
Some of the acting is excellent but some of the younger women can't quite sell it; I find Fimmel one-note and the Emperor is also two-dimensional.
What I like: the show has managed to deliver some real surprise and Game of Thrones level brutality with emotional weight, it looks great for the most part in spite of their budgetary limitations showing here and there in the set dec and repetitive shots.
It's not what I hoped for, but I think it will be entertaining and may yet improve given that I've seen glimmers of excellence. Will keep watching.