Give it up galactiboy, I think these kids could even break a Hasbro HOF body.
The easies way to fitx this problem when it occurs and it seems to be often occuring judging by all the comments is by using a 2 - 3 mm drill screw and drilling into the arm then removing the remains. Just make sure you use this size drillhead as if you use any bigger you more then likely damage the surrounding rubber sleave on the arm.
I bought a spare trutype body for it's parts. Already used a wrist peg and a neck from him.
If all the extra hands included pre attached extra pegs it wouldn't bother me so much. SS does with their figs on pro bodies and these pegs will work should you not have any extra HT pegs.... it would also be cool if they included an extra set with the extra hands that come with a nude TT.... we'd all have a reserve of these damn things laying around.
I just opened my P1 yesterday and all his hands included extra wrist pegs.
SON OF A BI*#!! dutch fell of the detolf wrist peg broke never thought this would happen to me , sht this sucks
SON OF A BI*#!! rearranging my figures and dutch fell of the detolf the wrist peg broke ...
with a smal pin with a little hook or a needle you could make the needle hot in a fire ,push it in while its still hot, take it out when cool again b carefull dont make it to hot , or f*#K up the rest of the armYeah i know, but how can i take the little piece of peg form dutchs arm?