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This will be great! Only A few more days till I have him!!


:yess::yess::yess: :lol
i still have mixed feeling about this piece, i may pick up a reg but right now i'm holding off. First the head sculpt is phenomenal. amazing likeness. The paint apps look pretty solid as well. Dutch's left arm (tricep) is just WAY TOO BIG. It looks almost laughable how big they made his left arm. IMO it takes away from the realism as he looks like an Olivetti Comiquette. The pose is a bit of a's not terrible but certaintly not ideal. Because of the choice of pose, i keep thinking the head too large and the torso and legs are too short. Putting the jaw-dropping head sculpt aside...proportionally speaking, this piece just doesn't have the Arnold Schwarzenegger feel i was looking for.

Who knows, i may pick one up down the road, but these new "improved" pics haven't persuaded me to hurry up and buy.
The only thing I don't like is that his arms look too clean compared to his head and hands. Think I'll add some dirt or more camo.