Super Freak
If I knew where she lived, I wouldn't be on SSF right now.
Btw, 11. No oil...yet.
Btw, 11. No oil...yet.
So far 5 figures from 4 collectors have experienced oil secretions,
1. Rory (1st Batman0
2. Rory (2nd Batman)
3. The Boot
4. CollectorNC
5. King Darkness (I think)
2 figures/2 collectors are unsure if it's oil or simply tape residue from the glue of the belt (left side around magnet),
1. Maglor
2. UltraMarknus
10 collectors have claimed to have not have had signs of oil so far,
1. Myself
2. Jye
3. Evilface
4. Batty
5. PJW
6. Custo
7. highlander1
8. zeelhar
9. IrishJedi
10. Cocoboloboy
11. Mikericm
I've checked facebook, onesixthwarriors and a few Asian message boards but so far, we freaks are the only ones that seem to be experiencing problems. I'm sure that will change once more collectors become aware.
Are those double F's or G's? Just wondering...not important but, where does she live?
I did the resarch, read through the DX02 thread, not a lot of definitive info about this mysterious oil - lower left ab of DX02...and that was Feb 2010.
Thats what I'm saying, not only is there zero evidence to suggest what these people are saying is true, it just can't be. Plastic and rubber don't just magically ooze out oil. I saw one picture someone provided of a DX-02 Bats and it was just ridiculous. No way did that happen by oil just coming out of a costume. It looked more like someone dropped the figure in something.
Thats what I'm saying, not only is there zero evidence to suggest what these people are saying is true, it just can't be. Plastic and rubber don't just magically ooze out oil. I saw one picture someone provided of a DX-02 Bats and it was just ridiculous. No way did that happen by oil just coming out of a costume. It looked more like someone dropped the figure in something.
In a nutshell:
If your figure leaks, it cannot be fixed. There isn't a solution, stop trying to find one. Now, with that being said is this figure worth the risk to you? If so, accept the above terms and enjoy the figure, if not skip it.
In a nutshell:
If your figure leaks, it cannot be fixed. There isn't a solution, stop trying to find one. Now, with that being said is this figure worth the risk to you? If so, accept the above terms and enjoy the figure, if not skip it.
After returning a DX02 for the same thing, the fact that the same ____ is already occurring here, HT can take the Keaton Bats I was gonna order, turn it sideways and shove it right up their ass. I'm done with HT rubber suits. Those keeping this POS, I look forward to teasing the hell out of you when, three weeks, six months, a year down the line you wind up making your first post in the DX09 leaky thread with your littleface acknowledging yours has finally started leaking.
Plastic and rubber don't just magically ooze out oil.
Well a portion of those 6 didn't know until Rory's pics, they checked and there it was, so there is bound to be many who just haven't noticed yet.
You know with all this talk about the oil issue I went over to my DX02 today to check again and still dry as a whistle. However I noticed something that I didn't before. Right where the chest plate ends near the belt area I can see a thin clear plastic sheet in between the armor and the body. I wonder if this is how HT fixed the issue the first time. If so, then I would say that the backing they put on the belt is definitely there for the same reason.
I bet your days are filled with magic
In a nutshell:
If your figure leaks, it cannot be fixed. There isn't a solution, stop trying to find one. Now, with that being said is this figure worth the risk to you? If so, accept the above terms and enjoy the figure, if not skip it.
Oh yeah, I always spend hundreds of dollars on figures just so I can self mutilate them and then go thru the hassle of trying to get a refund or replacement.
Well said, Nam. To put it in better words and in depth, HT can take the DX09 Bats, roll it up to a ball, shine it up real nice, turn that sum b***h sideways, and stick it up their candy-a****!!!
I bet your days are filled with magic
I bet your days are filled with magic
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