Me personally, I would remove that tape and magnet and clean off (Goo Gone) all that gooey glue and just reattached the magnet with a drop of super glue.
Good idea. I'm gonna do that.

I thought Rory already did that. And if he did, keep in mind that oil basically negates adhesive on glue which would explain why the tape is suddenly moveable.
Who said the tape was suddenly movable?
Listen guys say what you want about your own figures. But let me tell you mine has oil. I sincerely hope the rest of you don't get the same problem. This oil, wiped off onto my finger like olive oil. It pooled. This is not new, it's exactly the ____ing same as my DX02 and melting Comedian. It's not good news for sure, but sorry that's the reality of it.
It is not sticky tape residue. It came back without the belt.
This is all the same pointless posting that started the DX02 disaster.
No interest in debating it with anyone, wasted enough of my time on that in the DX02 and Comedian threads. This is a fact: My 2 DX09 Batmen figures show sign of oils leakage. In fact if you go back to my original post when I opened my first Bats, you will see that I mentioned it had a slight oily residue under the cowl, out of the box. Others have noted this as well.
Now, I have no reason to lie about this, neither am I stupid. So that that as you will. Lets hope this thread just dies and this isn't a problem.
I have no interest in debating this with anyone. I wanted to simply present the facts as I see them.
Out of here now, cause I can see the line this thread is taking. Just like the DX02 thread did.
And yes it's still leaking today. After being wiped off for the last two days.
Yeah, yours looks totally different than mine. If there's any doubt that UltraMarknus' and mine are leaking, I have little doubt that yours is. That prolly doesn't make you feel any better, I'm just validating.

because the waist is the only area which has parts of the belt actually having contact with the suit(that's if we assume the black paper is removed from the body). Its highly possible that the material of the belt have some sort of reaction with the rubber waist of the suit similar to what happened with the DX02. Could be because of the difference of usage of plasticizers used to make the suit and the belt. Or it might be the paint of the belt reacting with the suit?
but all i know about how they make the suit is that they added plasticizers on it to act as spacers between the polymer chain. That's how u get rubber. The more u add plasticizers, the more flexible it becomes. But in time these plasticizers would start to evaporate out of the suit. Which is why you have that 'new car smell' on the body. It is evaporating as we speak. That is why in time you will get rubber that goes dry and cracks. But in DX02's case the process of it deteriorating may have sped up because of the reaction of those different plastics. Same goes for the rubber which is wrapped around your copper wires and also your rubber bands. It could also happen to our 89 bats. But it can be slowed down by simply not removing the black paper. They just dont last forever.
but what about the plastic gauntlets and the boots of batman? maybe they are made from a different sort of polymer which fortunately doesn't react with the arms and legs of the suit.
I'm not really 100% sure about this but I think based on what I see and read about plasticizers on the web it seems to make me agree about the issue that is unravelling here.
edit: and to add to that I think it always happens on the front of the abs because it has the most pressure applied to the body by the belt itself. Pressure = friction = heat = a small bit of chemical reaction between the belt n front surface of suit, no?
I have a theory on this residue issue. My DX02 has been almost residue free. The only place were I've found some was under the belt. It's only showed up in two places with very small amounts. The front and back. Now the interesting part is that it shows up in back were the belt clips together. How would it get there? That part doesn't even touch the body.
I removed it again to today to clean the area and looked on the inside of the belt. There was some kind fo sticky residue like glue that I didn't notice before. I removed it all. I also looked under the belly. No residue. The figure looks perfect. My theory is that the plastic of the belts are what is creating this residue.
So remove the belt a couple times a month and clean it with cloth. Hopefully you'll have the same amount of luck and your figure will last for years.
You guys saw that Rory's had the oil come back even without the belt on right? (See below.)
It came back without the belt.

Yeah, you're probably right. Group hug for Rory.

In a nutshell:
If your figure leaks, it cannot be fixed. There isn't a solution, stop trying to find one. Now, with that being said is this figure worth the risk to you? If so, accept the above terms and enjoy the figure, if not skip it.
That about sums it up.