Tnaig001, for some reason I only just realised how great your first picture is. Nice angle, makes especially the eagle very alive and dynamic.
That's what I thought as well theguru. I think the Eagle might be turnable a bit, but not movable further in it's position: the position of the pin or the hole in the tail is probably not put in straight enough by Sideshow and I don't think there's anything to do about unless you have a proffessional bent the pin for you or something, but you guys who have it know this probably better than me: the eagle can be turned but not moved around any other way right? I thought turning probably wouldn't solve the problem 'cause the position of the eagle would stay quite the same, but having that said, I've asked the seller if he would turn the Eagle somewhat for me and he did, and here are some of the new pictures:
For some reason I do think it looks better this way? Eagle seems to be facing almost the same point but does look to stand a bit straighter. Or is it just the camera angles that make it look better?
By the way, according to the standerds of you who have it, does the paintjob on this one look good? I've read a lot about horrible paintjobs but this looks quite good to me. I'm afraid there might be a change that if I turn this one down, I might get an other one with a straighter eagle but with a worse paintjob or some other flaw or something you know?