I didn't write "no returns" in my listing however, I used an ebay preference setting when listing - that option shouldn't really be there if it allows this kind of return. This isn't a dispute, this is "buyer mistake" the specific reason is "wrong size or doesn't fit" - which again, I ask, why is that an option in the action figures category?
I'd like to help you.
Honestly, the best thing you could do is call eBay's resolution center and speak to someone. Explain to them what you've explained to us. Being completely honest, when I worked there a few years ago, I got a few cases like this for 1/6 items and I almost always closed the case in favor of the seller, so long as the description clearly states it's not for a human to wear.
You'll get your final value fee back if a refund is given. The "no returns" option only covers buyer's remorse. I'm not saying you're a scammer, but I used to speak to sellers nearly EVERY DAY who would list an item, put no returns, and then put something completely different to what they listed in a box and send it to the buyer. Then they'd expect ebay to be powerless because they said no returns in the listing. If the buyer claims it's not what was advertised, then ebay can step in and force a return. I do agree with you that ebay shouldn't even have the option on there if it can be overidden with the buyer opening a case.
If the case is closed in the buyer's favor, you could always make an appeal, although you'll probably be told that the buyer is sending the item back and you're having to give a refund to get everyone back to square one. Worth a shot, though. The best thing you can do is just use the resolution center to communicate to both ebay and the buyer. Ignoring them, or being rude, won't help. But yes, as I said above, you should really give the resolution center a call before they make a decision on the case. Speaking to someone directly is the most effective way of dealing with a case. I hope this all helps, and I hope I am not coming across as a know-it-all. It's just that I am a buyer and seller on ebay as well, and I know sometimes transactions can go poorly, so I like to use my (admittedly dated by a few years) knowledge of working for the company to help other people, especially 1/6 collectors.