Did paypal take the money from your paypal account, or did they remove the funds from the bank account associated with paypal?
It's too bad you can't find out what would've happened if he claimed he never got the item. I would be curious how paypal would've handled it.
It's too bad you can't find out what would've happened if he claimed he never got the item. I would be curious how paypal would've handled it.
unless the buyer asks to send through ups, if it is a smaller box like Hot Toy pieces, I always send through usps and get sig confirmation cause there is absolutely no disputing a sig confirmation piece if its the right address. I dont know if he could have won the dispute, but i have a ups driver that rarely asks for a sig, even if its a 1K piece.
If I'm not mistaken, UPS will only ask for a signature if the shipper requests one, same as USPS. I've gotten packages through them both ways.
yeah but doesnt SS require a sig on order above $150? Cause my ups guy still just drops it off without sig........I just think he reached a point where he was tired of getting a sig from me every week![]()
^^^LOL, but he should still get that signature. I always get fully insured and signature/delivery confirmation when I sold stuff on ebay. Crap like this is why I don't sell on ebay or use Paypal for anything anymore.
yeah but doesnt SS require a sig on order above $150? Cause my ups guy still just drops it off without sig........I just think he reached a point where he was tired of getting a sig from me every week![]()
Got this email last night...
In all honesty I'm still a little pissed about the whole ordeal. I had my sword drawn was prepared to ride into battle against the thralls of Mordor, but in the end it all worked out (all within an afternoon mind you). I was able to cool off a bit on the drive home, and enjoyed my birthday with family and friends. The night ended on a good note with the email I received. Lessons learned: Use signature confirmation, have the item insured for full value whenever possible, always maintain positive control of the racking information, stand your ground, escalate the case and fight like hell. Thanks for the support everyone. PM me for further details.
So if you had already withdrawn all money from your paypal account, what happens when something like this occurs? I usually withdraw the money as soon as I receive it to avoid any shenanigans like this.