I did this repeatedly, to the point where ebay is embarrassed by it. Try and type "deadbeat bidders" into your auction description now and ebay won't let you post the auction, saying it's "unprofessional," etc., making you remove it (I just reworded it). Funny how they tell you it's unprofessional but do nothing to stop the behavior. I've had a deadbeat bidder get reported and his account canceled only to see similar behaviors out of a new bidder. This tells me that their 3-strike is effective in canceling an account, but they do nothing to prevent the deadbeats from creating new ones.
True dat! And it is good to be reminded that others are making efforts in the same direction I am as it applies to protection for sellers and buyers. The more people that do it, the more Ebay will take notice.
But even if there is some success, it will take a hell of a lot of people. But I don't say it can not happen because it happened for the buyers.
I have had a few very...unpleasant...phone calls with Ebay reps lately.
More than one of them had the audacity to say "There would be no Ebay without buyers." I lost my patience at that point and I told them that it was a stupid comment, because there would be no ebay without sellers also. But sellers are the ones who pay ebay fees, not buyers, so there should not be a lopsidedness toward buyers. I told them that I am not asking for the rules to be lopsided toward sellers, but that the fact that sellers pay the fees should be taken into consideration in an attempt to balance the protection between buyers and sellers.
The second one that told me that got asked if Ebay has a class that teaches them stupid cookie-cutter answers. And if so, the reps should think more about them before they make fools of themselves by using them.
I figure 2 or 3 more calls like that and I will get banned anyway. They told me that the call was recorded and that my comments would be passed along. I think they were trying to get me to shut up. But they said it in a context that insinuated, without actually saying it, that there was some kind of QC that reviewed those calls to improve the site. Either way...I am OK with the calls being recorded and sent up the chain of...well...whatever they call their chain.
LOL...my wife was shocked at me as 99.9% of the time I am a very easy-going person. Even when I am passionate about something, I usually project my opinion in a friendly manner.
But the way Ebay completely disregards common sense while they bend the sellers over and then effectively laughs in the faces of the sellers offends me greatly.