I know this will sound like Im blown SS, but I truly think they post a TBD ES during preorders in a true attempt to keep the ES realistically/reasonably low. I think they've been/are being stung by pre-NRD cancellation floods with shelves full of unsold product due to the old school "knee-jerk PReOrder/Shipdate-Cancellation" combo of yesterday.
Keeping a TBD allows them to not get too dicked over by making the wrong PO ES number guess.
THink about it. Theyre gonna charge an NRD now no matter what. It makes business sense. So given that, lets say they guess too low on the PO ES, ... nerds are up in arms cause Joe didn't get one cause he lives in Mars and works 3rd shift. They guess too high ... then the nerds buy even FEWER then normal cause the nerds think the number on the bottom is what makes the piece... so SS is ____ed again!
Just look at their In-Stock list. Trust me. They don't like it. Their warehouse is full and its not by their choice. They would MUCH RATHER HAVE YOUR MONEY than their warehouse full of product.
Also, keep in mind SS is not dumb. SS, more than anybody, knows a Low ES could potentially = a Grail. Which in turn = Nerd Hype. Which in turn = Nerd Envy = Nerd Flip = Nerd Flock = Nerd $$$.
The logical smart choice here is to put up a TBD ES. Have a pocket ES tolerance set out. Make a cut-off if it starts going too crazy cause a high ES = low secondary market value. (again. They're not dumb). And try to please the majority of their collectors as best they can w/o going too crazy with the ES for high profile pieces.
And the best part would be them being able to keep a LOW ES when the orders truly don't come thru. THat keeps them from having product filling up their warehouse and also keep some collectors happy with some low ES products.
SS are as big of nerds as you are. They want to keep this ____ going even MORE than you do.
Just please always keep in mind its also a business before you call the Wambulance .....
Keeping a TBD allows them to not get too dicked over by making the wrong PO ES number guess.
THink about it. Theyre gonna charge an NRD now no matter what. It makes business sense. So given that, lets say they guess too low on the PO ES, ... nerds are up in arms cause Joe didn't get one cause he lives in Mars and works 3rd shift. They guess too high ... then the nerds buy even FEWER then normal cause the nerds think the number on the bottom is what makes the piece... so SS is ____ed again!
Just look at their In-Stock list. Trust me. They don't like it. Their warehouse is full and its not by their choice. They would MUCH RATHER HAVE YOUR MONEY than their warehouse full of product.
Also, keep in mind SS is not dumb. SS, more than anybody, knows a Low ES could potentially = a Grail. Which in turn = Nerd Hype. Which in turn = Nerd Envy = Nerd Flip = Nerd Flock = Nerd $$$.
The logical smart choice here is to put up a TBD ES. Have a pocket ES tolerance set out. Make a cut-off if it starts going too crazy cause a high ES = low secondary market value. (again. They're not dumb). And try to please the majority of their collectors as best they can w/o going too crazy with the ES for high profile pieces.
And the best part would be them being able to keep a LOW ES when the orders truly don't come thru. THat keeps them from having product filling up their warehouse and also keep some collectors happy with some low ES products.
SS are as big of nerds as you are. They want to keep this ____ going even MORE than you do.
Just please always keep in mind its also a business before you call the Wambulance .....