Prop eFX TIE Fighter

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No doubt eFX have to pay a kings ransom in licensing fees but from what I have read, the amount of engineering Hot Toys put into the tumbler was quite simply astounding. No other company would have dared make a product like that.

Huge, multiple moving parts, 10 LEDs and from most accounts pretty damn accurate as well, apart from a small concession made to a compartment to hold the batteries.

I just can't shake the feeling of "is that it" when I look at the eFX TIE Fighter considering the amount of time taken.

Again please let's not forget we are talking about 2 different things here: a Hot Toys Tumbler replica, and a studio scale TIE Fighter. The difference between the 2 regarding how they were made for the movies and how they look like (as scaled or studio scale replica, or even on screen) is huge. They are simply 2 different animals.

The studio scale prop has to replicate the exact details the original prop had, no idealizing on it, no paiting of the pilot since the original was unpainted just like that, no lights in the cockpit since the screen used one didn't have it, no windows because they were also missing on the movie used version of the TIE. It was made from original molds, and replicating the small model parts and accessories as accurate as possible. eFX could have done a prop replica similar to the Code 3 Vader's TIE but then it wouldn't have been as accurate as the real deal.

The Tumbler was full of lights with movable parts because the screen used one was like thet, the TIE was not.Not sure how the HT was made but I guess they used CGI scanning and not much of a molding process after a screen used Tumbler (scaled or 1:1). Also not being studio scale, we know it is scaled to fit 1:6 size. It can be idealized and improved because HT is not into the prop replica realm.
Again please let's not forget we are talking about 2 different things here: a Hot Toys Tumbler replica, and a studio scale TIE Fighter. The difference between the 2 regarding how they were made for the movies and how they look like (as scaled or studio scale replica, or even on screen) is huge. They are simply 2 different animals.

The studio scale prop has to replicate the exact details the original prop had, no idealizing on it, no paiting of the pilot since the original was unpainted just like that, no lights in the cockpit since the screen used one didn't have it, no windows because they were also missing on the movie used version of the TIE. It was made from original molds, and replicating the small model parts and accessories as accurate as possible. eFX could have done a prop replica similar to the Code 3 Vader's TIE but then it wouldn't have been as accurate as the real deal.

The Tumbler was full of lights with movable parts because the screen used one was like thet, the TIE was not.Not sure how the HT was made but I guess they used CGI scanning and not much of a molding process after a screen used Tumbler (scaled or 1:1). Also not being studio scale, we know it is scaled to fit 1:6 size. It can be idealized and improved because HT is not into the prop replica realm.

:exactly: Well said. Simply put - two completely different beasts. Two completely different markets.
The studio scale prop has to replicate the exact details the original prop had, no idealizing on it, no paiting of the pilot since the original was unpainted just like that, no lights in the cockpit since the screen used one didn't have it, no windows because they were also missing on the movie used version of the TIE. It was made from original molds, and replicating the small model parts and accessories as accurate as possible. eFX could have done a prop replica similar to the Code 3 Vader's TIE but then it wouldn't have been as accurate as the real deal.

i will never understand this part, they could released the exact same tie fighter but with windows, painted pilot and ligntup instrument. How is that not better? :cuckoo:

not asking to make it less accurate but it's common sense, most space ship nowdays are done in cgi, so by the same logic if they were to make a replica, should it just be a usb drive with the original cgi rendering code in it, that turns into a spaceship on your computer, after all that's the exact screen accurate replica they used in the movies...
i will never understand this part, they could released the exact same tie fighter but with windows, painted pilot and ligntup instrument. How is that not better? :cuckoo:

not asking to make it less accurate but it's common sense, most space ship nowdays are done in cgi, so by the same logic if they were to make a replica, should it just be a usb drive with the original cgi rendering code in it, that turns into a spaceship on your computer, after all that's the exact screen accurate replica they used in the movies...

For a PROP COLLECTOR it's quite simple: they want the most accurate representation of a screen used item. This is not about logic, because thus some might like to see a real space fighter flying like in the movies, or a lightsaber cutting through steel. Real prop collectors want their props to be a replica of what was used on screen, and not necessarily of how it was supposed to look on screen.

Again this is not a statue, nor a figure, nor an idealized ship/model. It is supposed to be like that, because the original one that was used when filming was exactly like that too, with all the warps, dents, missing windows and so on.
For a PROP COLLECTOR it's quite simple: they want the most accurate representation of a screen used item. This is not about logic, because thus some might like to see a real space fighter flying like in the movies, or a lightsaber cutting through steel. Real prop collectors want their props to be a replica of what was used on screen, and not necessarily of how it was supposed to look on screen.

Again this is not a statue, nor a figure, nor an idealized ship/model. It is supposed to be like that, because the original one that was used when filming was exactly like that too, with all the warps, dents, missing windows and so on.

Precisely correct
After reading the definition of a prop vs a statue I realized this and I can appreciate it for what it is. For me, its makes it less than a toy and thats a good thing in my opinion
it's the "warts and dents" that make it special.

anyone can easily make an idealized version. But to have an actual, exact replica of what was used in the movie...that is collecting at a different level.
it's the "warts and dents" that make it special.

anyone can easily make an idealized version. But to have an actual, exact replica of what was used in the movie...that is collecting at a different level.

guess i just have to agree to disagree with you guys, how is this an exact replica? is it done using the same material? no, is it painted by the same team? no it was painted in some chinese factory by a bunch kids. So what makes it so special as exact same replica? The only thing is the mold casting, but there is no "dents & warts" from the original but issues with tight end cap and wings fitting properly, are those also from exact replica? I think it's all just a bunch of hot air you guys made up.

I get the concept clearly now about prop replica, this is not it.

Only QMX and Weta items can be called true proper replica - handmade from the same movie mold, by the same artist, using the same material... ie qmx dr who master artisan screwdriver handmade by mr robatto himself, or the weta bilbo contract handmade by the same artist who did the movie version using the same material including the wax seal & sewing the pages together...those are prop replicas..

So lets not kid ourselves with this true collector prop replica nonsense, for something like this - a decent quality spaceship mass produced in some chinese factory, might as well add in the window and paint the pilot/cockpit to make it look nicer, because it's not a prop replica any true collector on "a different level" would own - like those collectors you guys mentioned who only want 100% movie accurate props

edit: ambasah, this is just my rant, it's not directed at you personally, you just happen to be the last reply on this :)
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guess i just have to agree to disagree with you guys, how is this an exact replica? is it done using the same material? no, is it painted by the same team? no it was painted in some chinese factory by a bunch kids. So what makes it so special as exact same replica? The only thing is the mold casting, but there is no "dents & warts" from the original but issues with tight end cap and wings fitting properly, are those also from exact replica? I think it's all just a bunch of hot air you guys made up.

I get the concept clearly now about prop replica, this is not it.

Only QMX and Weta items can be called true proper replica - handmade from the same movie mold, by the same artist, using the same material... ie qmx dr who master artisan screwdriver handmade by mr robatto himself, or the weta bilbo contract handmade by the same artist who did the movie version using the same material including the wax seal & sewing the pages together...those are prop replicas..

So lets not kid ourselves with this true collector prop replica nonsense, for something like this - a decent quality spaceship mass produced in some chinese factory, might as well add in the window and paint the pilot/cockpit to make it look nicer, because it's not a prop replica any true collector on "a different level" would own - like those collectors you guys mentioned who only want 100% movie accurate props

edit: ambasah, this is just my rant, it's not directed at you personally, you just happen to be the last reply on this :)

Agreed, I wanted an accurate ANH and ESB graflex lightsaber so instead of going to master replicas I went to the fx saber forums and got one made by Yoda with a vintage graflex cell which is not only screen accurate to look at but also has the added bonus of an internal crystal chamber and electronics.

I respect the opinion of you guys here as you evidently know more about these props than me but I still think this is a huge disappointment and not worth the wait or price.
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guess i just have to agree to disagree with you guys, how is this an exact replica? is it done using the same material? no, is it painted by the same team? no it was painted in some chinese factory by a bunch kids. So what makes it so special as exact same replica? The only thing is the mold casting, but there is no "dents & warts" from the original but issues with tight end cap and wings fitting properly, are those also from exact replica? I think it's all just a bunch of hot air you guys made up.

I get the concept clearly now about prop replica, this is not it.

Only QMX and Weta items can be called true proper replica - handmade from the same movie mold, by the same artist, using the same material... ie qmx dr who master artisan screwdriver handmade by mr robatto himself, or the weta bilbo contract handmade by the same artist who did the movie version using the same material including the wax seal & sewing the pages together...those are prop replicas..

So lets not kid ourselves with this true collector prop replica nonsense, for something like this - a decent quality spaceship mass produced in some chinese factory, might as well add in the window and paint the pilot/cockpit to make it look nicer, because it's not a prop replica any true collector on "a different level" would own - like those collectors you guys mentioned who only want 100% movie accurate props

edit: ambasah, this is just my rant, it's not directed at you personally, you just happen to be the last reply on this :)

Some of the artists making the props for SW in 1977 are too old now, some are dead. Not forget modern Dr.Who or LOTR are more recent that SW ANH. That implies the quality of the molds, of the original screen used props etc. and of course the same people working in making the props for the movie and the replicas for the public. Also please do not forget the worldwide tradition and impact Star Wars has compared to LOTR, HP or Dr. Who.

The TIE is indeed made from resin and plstic as it was the original. Wish the eFX TIE to come with real Koolshade, or with real model parts attached there and not just molded. But that is close to impossible at this time, since all those old parts are uber rare now. Thus please do not compare a wand, a paper contract or a screwdriver in complexity to this studio scale.

Of course these are mass produced items. I totally agree with you regarding the Chinese painting factory. Most licensed props (and statues, and figures, and so on) are painted in China by underpaid, uninterested Chinese workers who maybe don't even know what they are assembling/painting, nor care.

I also agree with you regarding the problems some eFX props have, in this case the assembling of the wings - the original wings were not supposed to be removable, thsi was an option offered by eFX to save a bit on shipping costs (Icons didn't have removable wings) - again this is not a small paper contract, nor a screwdriver which can be send in a bubble envelope if want to.

On the other hand look at the QMX prices for their studio scale... We can also have a real Niessen TIE fighter kit, and have it made by a pro, using real parts (if we can find them), and this way having a more accurate TIE than the eFX version. The same with the Legend ANH Vader helmet, no matter what eFX said, it is indeed idealized too, and not as accurate as some people would want. There are more accurate fan made helmets out there like the SL for example.

I know what a true replica is, I own a real deact. Sterling SMG converted as Stormtrooper blaster with genuine parts (real M38 scope, accurate t-tracks, real Eagle Hengstler counter), and not just resin copies of various parts. NOTHING can be closer to that except the real screen-used blaster - and some of the screen used blasters were also resin copies or just parts of Sterlings (but about this read more here). Also a Stormtrooper helmet like the RS ANH or CfO RTJ and others. The same with the lightsabers made from genuine MPP or Graflex.

So there is a difference between the screen used props, the licensed replicas and also some of the fan made stuff. Will these be 100% accurate? No. It is not like cloning them and making them identical, it is making them as close as possible. No matter the artist (could be the same artist who worked for the movie) he cannot make 2 identical items, very close but not identical, especially when hand made assembling and painting is involved. Thus we have to accept these limitations because, unless we buy the original screen used item (and maybe be a bit disappointed in that as well) we can only have a replica which will never be 100% accurate.

But as a licensed studio scale, the TIE fighter was only made by 2 companies till now: Icons and eFX. Code 3 never managed to make their model - Code 3 didn't make studio scales, even so their ships were great. Other companies like Hasbro, Kenner etc. on only make toys, so in the end the only accurate studio scales remain the eFX and Icons plus some of the fan made as well as Niessen kits. Remember, eFX is not making statues nor toys, they make props, helmets and studio scale, so they didn't add windows, for example, exactly because of that reason.

I really believe that the TIE Fighter will not be made by another company in the near future, this is not like a Vader helmet where you can find dozens of versions out there. This way if you want a decently accurate studio scale the options are: Icons, eFX or Niessen kit (the last needs assembling and painting). So you can see there are not too many choices if you want a TIE Fighter studio scale.
Interesting points really. It all boils down to collector preference. As for me, id rather get the 'idealized' version so non-die hard fans can easily relate and admire the piece
Interesting points really. It all boils down to collector preference. As for me, id rather get the 'idealized' version so non-die hard fans can easily relate and admire the piece

Unfortunately that option regarding ships died with Code 3.
guess i just have to agree to disagree with you guys, how is this an exact replica? is it done using the same material? no, is it painted by the same team? no it was painted in some chinese factory by a bunch kids. So what makes it so special as exact same replica? The only thing is the mold casting, but there is no "dents & warts" from the original but issues with tight end cap and wings fitting properly, are those also from exact replica? I think it's all just a bunch of hot air you guys made up.

I get the concept clearly now about prop replica, this is not it.

Only QMX and Weta items can be called true proper replica - handmade from the same movie mold, by the same artist, using the same material... ie qmx dr who master artisan screwdriver handmade by mr robatto himself, or the weta bilbo contract handmade by the same artist who did the movie version using the same material including the wax seal & sewing the pages together...those are prop replicas..

So lets not kid ourselves with this true collector prop replica nonsense, for something like this - a decent quality spaceship mass produced in some chinese factory, might as well add in the window and paint the pilot/cockpit to make it look nicer, because it's not a prop replica any true collector on "a different level" would own - like those collectors you guys mentioned who only want 100% movie accurate props

edit: ambasah, this is just my rant, it's not directed at you personally, you just happen to be the last reply on this :)

You've got a point... if we want to be pedantic about the semantics.

For me, when I really think about it, I personally couldn't give a flying crap about lineage, prop replica, screen accuracy, etc, etc, etc. I buy my collection for me and me alone. I don't care if there is one or 600,000 copies made. I don't care about COA's, signatures, plaques or any other pomp and circumstance.

Yes, it's all an added bonus, but at the end of the day, I want to relive that feeling I had as a kid when I watched/got Star Wars stuff; that buzz of excitement in your stomach. Now, as an adult, the closer to the real deal, the better.

However, regardless of whether it's screen accurate or idealized, doesn't matter... it's all about the emotional content and that's the joy Star Wars brings to me 35 years after first experiencing it's magic.

But that's just me gents...
You've got a point... if we want to be pedantic about the semantics.

For me, when I really think about it, I personally couldn't give a flying crap about lineage, prop replica, screen accuracy, etc, etc, etc. I buy my collection for me and me alone. I don't care if there is one or 600,000 copies made. I don't care about COA's, signatures, plaques or any other pomp and circumstance.

Yes, it's all an added bonus, but at the end of the day, I want to relive that feeling I had as a kid when I watched/got Star Wars stuff; that buzz of excitement in your stomach. Now, as an adult, the closer to the real deal, the better.

However, idealized, or not, it's all about the emotional content and that's all that will ever matter to me.

But that's just me gents...

Agreed. I also don't care about edition size or plaques and COA's - stated this on numerous times already, I colelct props, not plaques or COA's - but I like my item to be close to the screen used prop. I also own the Code 3 Vader's TIE Fighter Advanced and it comes with its own idealized beauty.

But this eFX TIE is the thing that is very close to the one they used in the scenes I love so much in SW. Of course it doesn't have windows, has an unpainted pilot, but if we take this to the real life, not sure if a TIE Fighter could even exist LOL
You're going to love it JK. It commands your attention :)

As much as I loath eFX's business practices, they've truly knocked this one out of the park.
You're going to love it JK. It commands your attention :)

As much as I loath eFX's business practices, they've truly knocked this one out of the park.

I have the eFX Stormtrooper LE helmet, and even if it is not the most accurate out there, I really love it. :) Cannot wait for the TIE to arrive and thus to end a chapter regarding my display
Your MR AT-AT display begs to differ ;)

You completely missed my point. ;) But I'll explain since it's Christmas: I don't care about licensed edition number plaques (or edition numbers, or COA's), not the custom plaques I make myself and have signed by artists involved in SW. Don't care if my collectible comes with the licensed plaque no.1 or no. 548. I don't hunt AP plaques neither low edition plaques. Get it?