Hey All, Tracy just mentioned to me that we shouldn't really jump to any kind of conclusion. So just keep up the faith and let's hope that we can still have more Buffy maquettes coming our way.
I will be in for a Spike in this line and maybe End of Days Buffy someday but way down the line. Also depends on where SSC new Buffy lines goes.
Chap what is going on with our "Civil War: I am with Buffy" sigs?
Okay seriously I just had the crappiest week ever, got laid off from my job had to cancel a couple of pre orders and if my Electric Tiki Buffy line goes boom I may have to take a ????? out.
You will all be happy to know I didn't cancel my Faith preorder, nor my Evil Queen one. One does have their priorities when they are unemployed.
900. Mine says 60/900
You might have a very rare box. I'll have to check mine when I get home and see what number it has.
Btw, what is the maximum size for banners?
I want BOTH of you to check this out!!! This is an official red alert!
Don't hold your breath, I won't get home until the 2nd of January.
I have a vague memory of me finding the wrong nr on the box (was it handwritten?) but I might be wrong.