[ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

That's awesome, Seb. What did you use for the icicle on the end of the freeze gun?
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Rock 'n Roll Seb! You KNOW how much this character (Mr Freeze) meant to my own series of customs back in the day. Love the gun! They HAVE to have tubes don't they? Just makes him rock! Love the frostcicle too! Rock it! Just take him all the way!
Of course, without question, my favorite of all your customs to date! :rock
(I can't imagine why...):yess:
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Rock 'n Roll Seb! You KNOW how much this character (Mr Freeze) meant to my own series of customs back in the day. Love the gun! They HAVE to have tubes don't they? Just makes him rock! Love the frostcicle too! Rock it! Just take him all the way!
Of course, without question, my favorite of all your customs to date! :rock
(I can't imagine why...):yess:

Thanks Les, yes of course there will be tubes don't worry :lol
I hope I will make you some justice with this custom!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

On this one you can really see the frozen effects

Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

hmmm i don't know if i love or hate you

amazing job my friend ;)
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

is itfrom gaslight ?

maybe he feel lonely without batman and joker :yess:
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Finally I am going to place order I believe... :panic:

The freeze effect is perfect !!
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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

I think i found something that owkrs pretty good for freeze, I quickly put a place holder head, waiting for the good one but it works quiet well.




I demand that you sell that to me.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

I do know what he means about Batman not feeling "DC-ish". 99% of the DC universe has never really appealed to me, it always felt to "magical" / "alien" heavy, or something. It's hard to explain.

But I've always loved Batman.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Oh yeah, I totally get that. Batman is my favorite for that very reason. :)

One could say the same thing about a lot of Marvel characters to though. ;)