[ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

THanks for the support to all of you.
I wil still be here working on my own customs.
You guys gave me incerdible support and I sure don't want to leave you.
I'm just retiring on commissions.
It's really time consuming and gave me some grey hair.
But I'm still here.

Glad to hear you're sticking around, Seb. Commission work has a way of sucking the joy out of this hobby and has unfortunately alienated some great talent in this community. Glad that didn't happen to you and that you will continue to do the work that inspires you and us. Looking forward to it.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

There's always a chance he gets bored of one of his customs and posts it for sale.;)

I'm lucky to own 3 of his customs as well. Thanks Seb!

ps. Does that mean you'll finally share a tutorial on how to weather.:naughty
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

The sand where this blood drips, will remain as a reminder that the artist once drew his sword and created a massacre of a masterpiece.

Happy to have a Seb artwork in my possession.....
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

seb sad to hear the commissions are stopping but happy to hear we will still get to see your talents!
i know some of those greys were from me :) lol looking forward to having more of your incredible art right here on my desk. thanks buddy! :whip
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Sorry to hear you are closing up shop, but it is probably for the best (for you). I can't wait to get my Firefly in the mail and it will hold a true place of honor on my shelf.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Seb, thanks for help us (my son) in my customs, I have 3 figures finish with your great talent.plus I get soon my Punisher:War Zone finish paint!!!:chew:naughty
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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Nice work. I like your stuff. Thx for sharing.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

I too am very sorry to hear that you are packing it in, so to speak. You've been a big insperation to me in your work and a very big assistance in the costruction of many of my customs. I have left you a couple of PM's but got no reply. Could be your mail box is full. Please contact me when you get a chance.
Thanks again.

Old Grandpa
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Here's some mode and paintjob on two-face i have done recently.
Eye socket resculpted, hole in the nose and burnt face repaint.






GEIL TWO-FACE (need to add a bit of real hair)




Sorry for the quality of the pics it's pretty late here.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Most of us may have see that in the alien section but i will repost it here.

Here's a porject i'm working on.
A full repaint of my BD P2.
Wasn't quiet happy with the factory coulour of the body, head and armour.

Everything was painted using a brush, no airbrush at all.
It's till WIP and i have to repaint the feet and hands and lots of small details.









Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Detail on that predator i mental!

And the Two-Face's are also looking awesome.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

I'm in total awe with both the Two-Face and the Predator. Amazing detail! Can't wait to see more.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Yep, that is an awesome repaint! The P2 is a very nice figure overall... but the face on the stock figure always looked really bad; very beedy-eyed. You've not only corrected that, but given him a much more subtle and real-world paint job :rock

Good thing you are getting out now, or I'd forsee a rash of Predator repaints coming your way :lol
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

LOL yes good thing.
THat figure was really nice to repaint.
The body almost looked pinkish. hugh

Hey man what about those pics! haha