Is there any figure you've made that doesn't look awesome?!
I've just started getting some bits together to try (obviously will fail) to get close to what you've done with your Dredd. I'm thinking of using the collar from the Art Figures Soldier of Fortune vest, any thoughts?
Looks spectacular, as usual. Any news on Skeletor?!
Awesome work as always on that Snake. I love the look of that scarf and the robotic hand.
BTW, what body (or rather, bodies) did you use on your Armored Bats? Did the metal boss armor fit without a problem? I am very slowly starting to come up with ideas and gathering parts for my own version.
Particularly love that Rambo guy a couple of pages back... what do you use for hair, Seb? (Also are you a spray paint or a brush man?) Got about a million Qs but think its better to just sit back & admire your handy work...
Cool as...!
I'm alway using Vallejo acrylics. I don't like citadel tbh.
Thanks, Seb!
I'm a bit stuck to the Riddick character [tring to do him on UV-6 Snow Planet] ...any suggestions for a realish looking snow to dust this Tibetan Lamb Hair with?
Sorry about all the questions Seb, but did you use a dremel to cut away the visor on the Rocco Dredd helmet?
Yes dremel, but be careful not to **** up everything.
I agree. What you could do that is easier is use an exacto knife.
Heath the blade with a lighter and cut the visor. You will get a more precise result.
Sorry too about all the questions... Its a snow I need - have you ever used something for fake snow, you could suggest for me...
I'm going to use the Tibetan Lamb Hair you told me about but it will look too clean without a snow - I've no ideas and you are the Master!
Those who follow my work since a long time knows that 3 years ago I build some post apocalypitc themed figures.
So here's is the following of those charachter I created. Those are not charachter specific just what I had in mind.
This is only the beginning. Those ar enot finished and there will be plenty more.