elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : Camo STORM SHADOW

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Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Great Stuff Elvis - That R-n-R has a sort of a Drake from Aliens vibe going for me.
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Oh, and...ummm...elvis? Please blouse R-n-R's boots.

Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Can the pro arms be transferred to a muscle true type, Seb? You see, I would like to transfer my Zartan to a muscle TT, but the arms on the pro are better than the ones on the TT. The ones on the pro are bigger and Zartan looks tougher with those. However, I do want to go with the exposed abs (classic zartan) and only the TT can give you that look.
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Well it can be possible with some mods.
I think onethousandmask made that modification.
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Rolled up the sleeves, and took a pics of the back.



and a pics of Snake Eyes on the ttm19
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

RNR looks badass. Did you get that snake eyes sweater top from Kato? LOL I wish he made some more; I could use an extra.
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Yes I bought the SE sweater from Kato prolly a year ago.
At that time I got it for really cheap.
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Sweet hell, Seb!

Some truly astounding updates. Hit & Run looks spot on perfect! Always loved that figure as a kid, very cool.

Really dig the updates to R&R. The cloth bandana adds a lot of realisim to the figure. Exposed arms with the rolled up sleaves looks great, has a very Nam feel.

Always a pleasure seeing your work :cool:
Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

Thanks Chase.

Here's my Beachhead V2



Dusty V2



and first look at my work in progress

Still lot to do but so far so good.



Re: elvis1976 GI-Joe customs : gi-joe current set-up

I hate you!

For the love of God, Seb, why must you make such amazing stuff and not sell it to me.

Alley Viper is phenomenal so far~!!!!!