Well I got my 2 Hellboy Library Edition books signed by Mignola....AND talked with the Battlestar Galactica guys (Saul Tigh, Helo, Chief Tyrol)...they were so HOT and so sweet and friendly....and gracious...I just wanted to kiss them.
Got my picture taken with all three of them.....that's was cool. I normally NEVER do anything like that...but I couldn't resist.....they were just so damn cool and I'm bummed the show is over.
Some guy (world's fastest caricature champion) drew my caricature while I was waiting in line for Mignola.....go some Watchmen stuff...talked to Adam Hughes a bit....and that was about it.
Had a lot going on that day, so was only able to stay for a few hours...but had a great time while I was there.