No it's Inigo Montoya or the Pirate Roberts
Be Cool Peedi
Do you have the calendar cable photo or a link for me? Cable might be the only xmen I buy
The only look so far but it's just artwork...but usually teased artwork is pretty accurate to what we get. No proof this is really Cable but I don't know who else it could be.
Look between the Alien, Gammorean Gaurd and the scrapped Extremis Iron Man PF.
Probably zoom in to get a good look at it at. "X" belt. The rubble says "XAVIER", my guess is the old school sign. Seems like from the "Second Coming" storyline when he came back to the destroyed school. Just my speculation though.

Yes please I hope it's not the old man looking like cable but the 90s art style of his creator with the big guns and huge pads.
Uhh...he's always been old. If anything he looked older back then. Even had a receding hairline back then.