I know what you meant. 80's Emma had no strands or unevenness at the bottom of her hair. It was a bob cut that was straight all the way around from the top of her hair to the bottom (the bottom being straight all the way across too). It's really the only thing that SSC got right with her hair on the COH portrait. As it stands, it's really not accurate to her hair in that era but I like it anyway. It's completely understandable if you don't like it though. We all have different tastes as to what looks good or not. Especially when it comes to women.
The only nit pick i have with the COH is that I might not like the way she's looking up. I'll wait to see the finished piece before I can say I like it or not in that respect.
I don't mind it. I just think some things need to be adjusted in the transition from comic to statue so it feels a bit more natural. Certainly isn't gonna stop me from POing at all!!

oooh, COH and chalice EX? even better!