Emma Frost PF

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You aren't missing anything by not having an account. They're pretty mean over there. :mad:

ouch, I think that happens anywhere, I haven't been mean to you Allison :peace

I prefer it over there, mainly because there is just TOO much going on here. You miss a couple days of posts, and it takes forever to catch up.

Only thing I like better over here is that SSF talks about 12" much more.
I can't believe how bad this face looks. Maybe I should cancel my Flex pay before the first payment

I just looked at mine again today.

I think I need to put a paper bag over her head to be able to enjoy it.

Seriously, if you are not a completist, forced by your addiction to buy every one of these, cancel immediately!

What were they thinking? Did someone over at the Sideshow office (presumably, someone who has no interest in women and who has an artistic "flair", you know what I mean, not that there is anything wrong with that as Seinfeld would say) decide "let's make something more artistic that captures blah blah blah..." and that person convinced the powers that be that this would be a good idea? Tim Burton had his Planet of the Apes, lets hope that Sideshow had its Emma PF and that's that.
Nah Mike, let introduce you to Tiffany Frost!!!!!!!!!


:lecture :lecture :lecture
I just looked at mine again today.

I think I need to put a paper bag over her head to be able to enjoy it.

Seriously, if you are not a completist, forced by your addiction to buy every one of these, cancel immediately!

What were they thinking? Did someone over at the Sideshow office (presumably, someone who has no interest in women and who has an artistic "flair", you know what I mean, not that there is anything wrong with that as Seinfeld would say) decide "let's make something more artistic that captures blah blah blah..." and that person convinced the powers that be that this would be a good idea? Tim Burton had his Planet of the Apes, lets hope that Sideshow had its Emma PF and that's that.

Pics please. I want to vomit too. lol
:horror:horror:horror i think this one has to be the "ONE" that seems to have virtually no one liking it.
how the hell is ssc going to sell these things.:confused:

Whenever this came out though there was a bunch of ppl defending it, if I remember correctly. I'm just wondering...... WHERE are they at? :angelsmil
Whenever this came out though there was a bunch of ppl defending it, if I remember correctly. I'm just wondering...... WHERE are they at? :angelsmil

yeah there is some people that did like it, and that's great for them.
sadly they're probably all scared off, and that if they post anything positive they'll end up being linched.:horror

i think anyone that like the X-23 or that kind of sculpt would like this, but obviously not many people expected this in a PF.:monkey2
I like it...but not into all the fabric...i dig the cartoony face...but Im sure I am alone...LOL

just what i was thinking, the anime/cartoon look is fine for some, just not in the PF line.

i personally have one that is somewhat anime in the Lara Croft PF, but at least she could almost pass off as a real human
WOW wonder what you think of average ppl :lol I'm not sure fat is the word... the jaw structure is just not right...

Her face seems round to me and its probably the cheeks.

And she looks creepy as hell. DAMN!!!! Ice Blue eyes with heavy eyeliner doesnt look good.

This should have been a comiquette not PF.