Was listening to the radio the other day and there was this advertising plug for a website called:
Obviously the name of the website caught my attention so I went on the website. Please note that the guy on this website is trying to sell a subscription to his newsletter, but never the less, what he says sounds pretty scary and it is backed up with some facts he has found. What do you guys think? Propaganda? BS? or is there some truth to what he's saying?
WARNING: It is a pretty long video, so if you're crunched for time, I suggest you watch it when you have nothing else to do, or are just bored and have some time on your hands. Remember, he's trying to sell you a subscription to his news letter, so it may be long-winded at times, but some of the facts he mentions about the US are a little alarming and interesting to think about.
My Take:
What the guy is saying in his video about the problems that America is facing are very true. It is not fiction. Is he trying to sell something? Yes, but don't let that stop you from listening to what he has to say about the possible crisis we could face. America's got some serious problems that he succinctly points out. And if we just ignore these problems that he is mentioning, we are in for a lot of pain and suffering. Now whether or not some of the doom and gloom senarios he mentions will happen in the next 12 months or ever at all, remains to be seen. But the serious issues we currently face in America that are mentioned in his video are no joke IMHO.
Obviously the name of the website caught my attention so I went on the website. Please note that the guy on this website is trying to sell a subscription to his newsletter, but never the less, what he says sounds pretty scary and it is backed up with some facts he has found. What do you guys think? Propaganda? BS? or is there some truth to what he's saying?
WARNING: It is a pretty long video, so if you're crunched for time, I suggest you watch it when you have nothing else to do, or are just bored and have some time on your hands. Remember, he's trying to sell you a subscription to his news letter, so it may be long-winded at times, but some of the facts he mentions about the US are a little alarming and interesting to think about.
My Take:
What the guy is saying in his video about the problems that America is facing are very true. It is not fiction. Is he trying to sell something? Yes, but don't let that stop you from listening to what he has to say about the possible crisis we could face. America's got some serious problems that he succinctly points out. And if we just ignore these problems that he is mentioning, we are in for a lot of pain and suffering. Now whether or not some of the doom and gloom senarios he mentions will happen in the next 12 months or ever at all, remains to be seen. But the serious issues we currently face in America that are mentioned in his video are no joke IMHO.
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