End of America?

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No doubt. I believe what he says when he mentions that we probably won't ever be able to pay off the interest alone on the debt we owe, let alone the principal.

Now we can print more money to try and mitigate the issues we are facing, like were doing now, because there will always be demand for dollars so as long as the US dollar remains the World's currency. But if it looses it's status as the world's currency, the demand for the dollar will plummet, causing us to reach serious inflation at a very rapid pace. He mentions that already there are some countries that are no longer accepting US dollars in their bank deposits because a lot of countries are worried that the US will not make good on their debt. In fact china is already moving a lot of their assets off of the US dollar and onto other currencies/investments.
Printing money is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in.
Does he offer a free tinfoil hat with every subscription?
I would like to say that I will be the first to fart on the grave of america.

Dont worry.

Mayan Calander: cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012 :chug

According to white men who never met a Mayan in person and need fear to keep the few stupid people left in their religion. In reality, the calendar simply resets and people get to start counting down to the end all over again.
Panic sells. People will hear this guy's "credentials" and believe him because he has fancy titles and deals with money for a living. Nevermind his aforementioned conviction. He's in the same boat as the people parading around claiming the world will end on May 21, Alex Jones, Steve Quayle, Ed Dames, and the multitudes of other people selling doom and gloom to miserable, gullible morons who are convinced that around every corner is a cataclysm. They're con artists preying on the fearful.

I saw this at a thrift store the other day, it's pretty relevant to this discussion.

Except he fails to mention his federal conviction for securities fraud.:slap

Not sure if he can run for office with the conviction mentioned above.:lol

See above.

Did someone mention Y2K?:panic::panic::panic:

I knew there was something fishy about this guy. :lol
Was listening to the radio the other day and there was this advertising plug for a website called:


Obviously the name of the website caught my attention so I went on the website. Please note that the guy on this website is trying to sell a subscription to his newsletter, but never the less, what he says sounds pretty scary and it is backed up with some facts. What do you guys think? Propaganda? BS? or is there some truth to what he's saying?

WARNING: It is a pretty long video, so if you're crunched for time, I suggest you watch it when you have nothing else to do, or are just bored and have some time on your hands. Remember, he's trying to sell you a subscription to his news letter, so it may be long-winded at times, but some of the facts he states are a little alarming and interesting to think about.

I won't listen or look at the BS, but he's probably just another one of these guys, who are on tv every, single night.

:lol Kevin Trudeau - that guy claims that AIDS is a hoax! Douche. When I worked at Borders that book of his (the Natural Cures one) was the #1 bestseller for a few months, a lot of stupid people out there.
I have not checked that website.

But if you watch these two docos from 2010 'The Inside Job' & 'Waiting for Superman'... It's not hard to believe that the USA is on it way down like every other great empire before it. The British Empire, Rome etc. I mean, if your financial & education systems are in the state presented in those films, what do you expect will happen in the next 50 years in the USA?
:lol Kevin Trudeau - that guy claims that AIDS is a hoax! Douche. When I worked at Borders that book of his (the Natural Cures one) was the #1 bestseller for a few months, a lot of stupid people out there.

And though I never read it, it is my understand that it really doesn't tell you much of anything, it just talks in circles.

Snake oil salesmen.
Printing money is part of the reason we're in the mess we're in.
Also, Spending more money then we have, along with Relaxed and not enough mortgage regulation - (allowing people with bad credit and no proof of income to buy a house they can't afford, just as long as they can sign their name).
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