Endor Rebel Troopers

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BadMoon said:
Everytime I come to this thread hoping for pics to make me want to buy this line it never happens. All I see is debates. Which leads me to believe that most passed. So I will never own this line. I just don't want too. I can't own something that Sideshow created from their own employees. Boring. Same as if I created marketing reps from my company! BORING!

I think you mayb rethink meeting Josh now. After you wrote that, he most certainly doesn't want to meet you now. ;)
pixletwin said:
I hope you are joking. :eek:
Sideshow screwed up the same way on the Roger More Moonraker Bond figure, he's missing a second set of pockets at his ankles.
Apparently you have no problem spending $60 on a product that will only be made once that has some inaccuracies?
Sh*t, people mention that Leia's dress is a little too short and no one comes back with a quip, but a screw up like this is okay. :rolleyes:
To some people, the Endor Troopers as as important and anticipated as any version of Luke or Leia.
Simmer down there pilgrim. I meant no offense.

I just think its funny that someone would take the time out to analyze obscure frames to make sure their figure is 100% screen accurate. Besides Leia (whom I have no problem with, by the way) is a main character and an iconic incarnation of that character to boot who sees screen time in about 40% od the entire movie.

Again, didn't mean to git yer hackles up. :peace
pixletwin said:
Simmer down there pilgrim. I meant no offense.

I just think its funny that someone would take the time out to analyze obscure frames to make sure their figure is 100% screen accurate. Besides Leia (whom I have no problem with, by the way) is a main character and an iconic incarnation of that character to boot who sees screen time in about 40% od the entire movie.

Again, didn't mean to git yer hackles up. :peace
Actually someone analyzed obscure frames to make sure their costume is 100% screen accurate. All I did was post what they've found.
The importance of main iconic characters isn't the point, I have fond memories of seeing the Endor troopers on the screen when I was little, and always was fascinated by them. So they're important to me and I'd like Sideshow to do their best to capture 100% accuracy. Sideshow had to analyze these characters, it's part of their job if they want to sculpt a helmet accurately for example. It didn't take me long to find out that info, just a couple of minutes, why Sideshow couldn't is beyond me.
I love what I received, just wish Sideshow didn't omit notable detail like that.
pixletwin said:
I think you mayb rethink meeting Josh now. After you wrote that, he most certainly doesn't want to meet you now. ;)

Yes! LOL! I am done for sure. LOL! I am though seriously upset that I had the chance to meet someone from the boards and did not get too. One day though!
Yep I would never own those horrible things. Here is a recent picture of my collection to prove it. :lol
