Yeah, but i'd accept to release it for 400 us dollars... U guys think thats possible? Even after making it clean?
Be sure you get a flawless shiny bust before selling the cleaned one...
Just found out this morning that my waitlist for the clean endo will convert soon! So I'll have that in addition to my half clean BD endo!
Just found out this morning that my waitlist for the clean endo will convert soon! So I'll have that in addition to my half clean BD endo!
mine too, finallyOff to eBay goes my clean one with yours YakoStar
It should be up by now too since I really want the official official clean endo to go with the 2nd BD on the way:chew
:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew:chew thats great news manso ur gonna put ur customized bd skull on ebay right?
EDIT: Just saw your skull on ebay. GL man!!
Wow that is badass man! That Endoskull was completely custom made?