May I just say that while I don't watch footie, this thread is kind of interesting now, and not in a good way.
Please don't make generalised statements about groups of people just because of, well nothing but a few bad experiences of someone who may be different - in this case, as sad as it is, just support another team.
Might I also suggest that rather than reporting posts that are a response of such generalisations, perhaps take the time to consider what have typed first to see what caused such reactions.
It's funny cos I bet none of you guys have been in Glasgow during an 'old firm' game, now that would be stereotype heaven for some, if you were so inclined in making them
(just for those that don't know me, I am of course making a joke and I lived in Glasgow for 10 years - so I know what it's like there
Now, lets get back to the footie (yeah I can't get away with that,

Carry on peeps
