Guys, just to clarify about the belt. You can of course open it, i took it off straight out of the box, but the small black strap is NOT adjustable beyond its original length and it's not long enough to extend the the belt to drop it way down to the crotch. If you want to do that, you have to mod extend the belt.
But it's all subjective, some people will be happy with it as it is.
This is what I did. There could be many variations of the same idea.
For example I see no reason why strong thread couldn't be used instead of wire. I just like the fact that it is the correct color and is easily tighten-able by twisting...
..very very simple fix, using existing holes with no alteration to the belt itself. I ended up positioning it in more of a V shape to get it falling correctly at the front.
You got this on the way bud?
Yep. It's in transit from timcent in Hong Kong. Really looking forward to this one.
I have sent EB my order email and they still haven't send me my invoice !
Get to work EB !!!! Hurry up !
is everyone buying this from ebay at those crazy prices?