Broke and happy
Awwwwww, so cuteeeeeee.
Awwwwww, so cuteeeeeee.
I wouldn't say it was Hot Toys because the Batman sculpt doesn't look Asian enough.
Exactly what i was thinkin bro!This is a great crossover figure from HT to EB. I guess a lot of HT fans wouldnt have seen EBs paint apps inhand before? They have been pretty amazing for quite a while now. If only they could improve their QC. I'm neither a HT nor EB fanboy, but when it comes to head sculpts, one company seems to be on the way up the other descending faster than that smashed up plane at the start of TDKR...
This is a great crossover figure from HT to EB. I guess a lot of HT fans wouldnt have seen EBs paint apps inhand before? They have been pretty amazing for quite a while now. If only they could improve their QC. I'm neither a HT nor EB fanboy, but when it comes to head sculpts, one company seems to be on the way up the other descending faster than that smashed up plane at the start of TDKR...
You're doing it wrong Voorhees. You must pick a side and I don't mean a baked potato.
You're doing it wrong Voorhees. You must pick a side and I don't mean a baked potato.
EB Bill shouldn't get too cocky. Yes, this is a great figure & the T-800 was a home run....but you have to balance that with the MIB fiasco, the GOD Bruce Lee figure and other EB problems in the past.
When EB develops way more consistency in their products & QC, then Bill can strut a little. Right now he should yap a lot less and concentrate on fulfilling his "passion for perfection" with a lot more humility. Hot Toys is still top dog is this arena and EB has a long way to go to get to that level.
On another note, I found one of my cape clip magnets, so instead of blue tac or double-sided tape (because I'm not using the magnets inside the suit), I'm sliding the larger magnets underneath the cowl (after futzing the cape) then putting the cape clips on....works great!
With the Avengers getting delayed and all...
The Avengers are delayed aswell?? I assumed the likes of Joker, P2 and DX10 T-800 were delayed so the Avengers could be pushed forward or at least released on schedule....so what exactly are HT releasing for the rest of this year?