ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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shame the belt and accessories are plastic though

i haz a sad

Very disapppointed that the belt isn't metal- T 800 was a one shot wonder in this dept- maybe HT 1/4 Bats does have some metal in accessories as advertised...beating out EB in this dept!
'oh you have no idea'

I swear this is the first time that I have held the cowl and felt that I had a mini bale in cowl in my hand



more pics of the Bale HS...I liked it in pics I've seen of it...
I still think that HT will do one. With all of these QC things, I'm worried about this one. Might just wait for an HT Begins suit and buy the cowls off of eBay (just in case).
Well, by the time I receive mine in September I will know if he is a keeper or not.

If he isn't, then I won't even open him and just dump....errr..sell him. :lol
I still think that HT will do one. With all of these QC things, I'm worried about this one. Might just wait for an HT Begins suit and buy the cowls off of eBay (just in case).

I'd be surprised if anyone breaks this down for parts on ebay tbh. I think you'd just have to settle for HT's cowl/likeness...you know what they say, 8th time the charm right :lol
I still think that HT will do one. With all of these QC things, I'm worried about this one. Might just wait for an HT Begins suit and buy the cowls off of eBay (just in case).

If HT does, then I guess we'll have another Medix in our hands as the HT body will probably be superior but fortunately we'll have 2 other extra cowl from Enterbay to choose from since HT could never get the Batman cowl right.
True, bad pictures can ruin a headsculpt also , so I'm waiting for better quality, but thanks anyway for the pics !:monkey1

That one shot of Bale HS was shot on bad camera in direct sunlight hitting the head from one side...........going to wait for better pics!
Haha, do you guys genuinely think that's why it is? Genuine question.

Edit. About the PayPal thing.