Well your in the Robocop EB thread so do you plan on buying this or just here for interest sake?
Just interest, i read most threads on robots, aliens,and predators.They seems to be the 1/4 only for the most part, so my interest is more keeping up to date so i dont sound to dumb.
Wow I would love to see you touch up those scratched Batmobiles, too bad they are still pricey.

Speaking of Hot Toys I know they have problems but the majority of their problems are usually minor compared to EB except things like DX02 oily abs etc. The majority of problems EB seems to have are usually due to the horrible brittle bodies they use and sometimes cheap thin material they use for clothes like for the MIB figures and their Joker, which tear easily. However, I do expect their will be a lot of QC problems with the EB Robocop figure but I also expect their will be some for Hot Toys Robo to, since electronics are used in both figures.