Partially seconding what he said.
But only partially.
I wouldn´t cast Fassbender, I love him as an actor, but not as John Connor.
Keep Christian Bale, give him the scar, keep the continuation, cause that´s where films lose their connection, even if the previous ones weren´t the best.
But everytime changing the cast?!
Come on...
Only for young characters, like reese.
Timothy Olyphant for Reese and let the rest be...really.
We need a good running sequel and REALLY, not about Arnold anymore.
I love his character, don´t get me wrong and what they did from 1 - 2, but 3 was already unneccessary and 4 was a good, but only mediocre executed idea.
So just tell the story everyone wants, finally showing Perry, with a little fight at the end with a better and longer Roland Kickinger/digital Arnold T-800 slaughtering the resistance which try to stop him and letting him glance to John Connor before going back to 1984 and then Reese right behind him and maybe re-establishing the deleted scene where is comrad materializes into the fence...on a dramatical end, SLIGHTLY retell the circumstances, but not another full blown reboot.
I can´t hear that word anymore...
Id love to see Bale return as John Connor. He's an incredible actor.
Agreed, I think he could really rock as Connor, the problem with his Connor in Salvation, for me, is the lack of focus on Connor.
Instead of more to expand on with the T-800, how about we get a movie that really tells the story of the "great military leader" instead of all these stories just about events that shape him. The first 4 movies are like a really stretched out part 1 of a trilogy, taking forever to set up who he is, just finally show us the John Connor hyped up throughout T1.
Agreed, I think he could really rock as Connor, the problem with his Connor in Salvation, for me, is the lack of focus on Connor.
Instead of more to expand on with the T-800, how about we get a movie that really tells the story of the "great military leader" instead of all these stories just about events that shape him. The first 4 movies are like a really stretched out part 1 of a trilogy, taking forever to set up who he is, just finally show us the John Connor hyped up throughout T1.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Have it take place in 2029, leading up to the events of the first movie. And have Arnold reprise his roles as the T1 T-800 and the T2 T-800. The final battle could have Bale fighting along side the T2 T-800 and Reese right before he sends them both back through time.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Have it take place in 2029, leading up to the events of the first movie. And have Arnold reprise his roles as the T1 T-800 and the T2 T-800. The final battle could have Bale fighting along side the T2 T-800 and Reese right before he sends them both back through time.
That sounds good to me although somehow Reese should have no knowledge of the reprogrammed T-800 being sent back as per T2. One really gets the impression from his police interrogation in T1 that as far as he is concerned he and the 'bad' T-800 are the only time travellers. If I was writing it I'd have Reese follow the first T-800 through the time displacement with the understanding that it was all going to be blown up afterwards...but circumstances change. The resistance becomes aware of a second time incursion by Skynet to 1995 and has to take action on that one aswell.
How could they be so cruel!
...or why hasn't anyone less ethical done the same thing and leaked it online.
Apparently not, I know Hope of the future himself and I asked him MANY times to share and that he can´t even comprehend how thankfull I would be, but there´s no chance.
I guess it was quite stressful:
Splitting apart the soundlevels, "cutting" the music from the FX and reassembling only the music levels.
Ok...taken, but keeping it for yourself, when there isn´t anything compareble out there is....................
That sounds good to me although somehow Reese should have no knowledge of the reprogrammed T-800 being sent back as per T2. One really gets the impression from his police interrogation in T1 that as far as he is concerned he and the 'bad' T-800 are the only time travellers. If I was writing it I'd have Reese follow the first T-800 through the time displacement with the understanding that it was all going to be blown up afterwards...but circumstances change. The resistance becomes aware of a second time incursion by Skynet to 1995 and has to take action on that one aswell.
Back to the awesomeness that's coming, soon we can all have something like this.
Just look at that track listing - so many...
Y'know at this point I'd even take a good recording of those unreleased parts with movie sound effects. My brain would be overlaying those things onto the bare music anyway so why not keep them on there in the first place!
DEMANUFACTURE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
what an amazing album. one of my all-time favorites. A TON of Terminator references in this album but none more apparent that the beginning of Pisschrist...Track #9 H-K (Hunter Killer) is another honorable mention.