Well I'd agree with Butters here, they do need all the money they can get. They're trendy on the boards at the moment but they still have some way to go before being a real match for HT.
Assuming the portrait in the early tease is what is produced, they did it again 2/2 with T2 Arnie.
Shame about the Rambo sculpt. I have mixed feelings...on the one hand, I've just saved £300...on the other, it's destroyed Enterbay's track record of near-perfect sculpts.
The Rambo sculpt?
I thought this was slated for an October 2012 release?
I never thought for a second they'd make that release date. I know we're not there yet but since this is Enterbay we're talking about we need a few months of annoying teasers before they start the countdown to the full reveal.