Ash Housewares
Super Freak
Screw HT. I've given up with them ad they release stuff way too often. If I focus on EB at least it will only be a few a year.
I would say this EB sculpt is almost on par with the SS one. IMO the SS version is still the best sculpt at 1/4 out there and this is the second one.
Yup, Trev did a great job, would love an EB Cyberdyne figure with that headsculpt. In this case though, Trev's sculpt wouldn't work, he captured an emotional expression which worka for the PF because it's from after he starts becoming more human, the EB sculpt has the more cold, focused expression which is right for the all black look.
SS scuplt is very fine.
but when it comes to paint and proportions the figure fails
It looks lifeless.
what i like better are the eyes.
EB have little shortcomings.
But its not a big deal, overall look is insane good.
Yeah paint wise it is not very good but it is brilliant at the sculpting area.
The new T1 PF has a great sculpt too. The pictures are not very good at showing it but look at the 360 view. It looks just as good as this IMO and also on the Comic Con videos it looks great.
Hát téged is látni?
Alone from the scuplt the SS can easily compete with EB, agree.
This is the best face-scuplt from SS i´ve seen so far, much better than the new T1 PF.
The new T1 PF has a great sculpt too. The pictures are not very good at showing it but look at the 360 view. It looks just as good as this IMO and also on the Comic Con videos it looks great.
Fixed. What's wrong with the body? The proportions are close to perfect. The only problem I have is with the elbow joints, and even then it doesn't really bother me.
The body is the least of my worries as he'll be clothed. I'm sure it will be the same with 99% of the Enterbay T-800 buyers.
Come on, you can do better than that.
it don't look like Arnold's body at all....The HT one looks 100x better and a lot smaller.