Super Freak
I'm catching up with the first two episodes of 24: Live Another Day this evening.
Can't wait!
Can't wait!

It's ok, I'd say that, if the EB figure had never existed, then it'd be THE one to have. As for where to get it, you may be a bit late to the party, but, just searching for Subway 1/6 should turn something up.
It's on for 4 more days.
I'm debating the Subway figure but the jacket issue is worrying me and something is off on the head sculpt. I totally see Jack in it but maybe the hair/hairline is off or maybe it looks to big.
I'm considering getting a head to modify, shave down the hair and resculpt his season 8 hair, but also adding some wrinkles and the puffy cheeks Sutherland has developed over the years.
Then I know someone who's fantastic at painting. I'd get him to repaint the whole thing and maybe get a paler skin tone as I think Kiefer got paler over the years.
I decided to put my Enterbay Jack Bauer up on eBay.
I'd considered purchasing a replacement RM-1 body or to swap him over to an RM-5, but just thought I'd leave that to the buyer it they felt it was needed, which I don't feel it is.
24: Live Another Day was good. Took a bit of time to get use to it being set in London. I kept thinking I was watching an episode of EastEnders!
Guys, I have a question. How do you get the Subway feet out from the boots? I managed to pop the feet out of the leg pegs, but now they're lodged deep inside of the boots. Should I submerge the boots in hot water?
Sounds like needlenose pliers and some gentle persuasion might be called for. Are the pegs still in the feet or are they still attached to the ankles? If the pegs are attached to the feet still you may be able to get hold of them with the pliers, however, sometimes the pegs can come out anyway. If that's the case then try gripping the cup the peg sits in and the outside of the foot. Go carefully whatever you do.
Funny you should ask! I didn't! I bought the Subway boots by themselves direct from sixscale on eBay. It wasn't too hard to slide them onto the Enterbay feet, but I left the socks off as they were giving me problems sliding in.
Cool, make sure they're needlenose ones as sidecutters will damage the pegs.