I really wonder what is stalling the Pulp Fiction licence.
It can't be Samuel Mutha F*king Jackson. Lord knows how many figures he has now.
It shouldn't be Tarantino, since he's a fan of Neca. To the point, I remember he was doing this show and he was showing off the Grindhouse Neca figures and actually playing with them in front of the audience. I saw it on Youtube. Neca has done 3 of his movies, 3 figures of him.
It couldnt be that Men in Suits isint appealing, since even Reservoir Dogs has gotten figures from Sideshow, Mezco, and Neca. Especially given that Pulp Fiction is still the most popular QT movie up to date.
The only thing left i suppose is John Travolta won't sign off his likeness. As much as i love the movie, if they could get the licence and only issue JULES, I wouldn't mind. My Jules does not 100% need a Vincent by his side to justify a purchase. Same goes for Mia Wallace.