What? did some one get theirs? PICS PLEASE 

Alrighty, then. I don't see it happening, but alright. None of this would be an issue if there weren't so many ****ing politically correct pansies.
I can agree with that good sir
Perhaps I'm being gung-ho with other people's money, but I don't blame the PC crowd at all. They're just doing what they do. I blame Weinstein for not having the guts to take the fight to them. Weinstein has the means to play this out in court if necessary. It could have set a precedent that adult collectables, clearly labeled as such, are not subject to the same cultural or political sensitivities as children's toys.
But no, they caved like a little girl, to a bunch of misguided, sanctimonious twits. What's the point in having money if you can't use it to defend one's principles? Unless they see no correlation between the impetus behind the production of the movie and the production of its associated merchandise. Either way they're hypocrites.
But with these recent reports of people getting these figures in hand, maybe I'm wrong?
God damn it close this thread DavePut all of us out of our misery
It's like showing up to your favorite restaurant and seeing a hot ex girlfriend who dumped you.
I'd say it's more like going to an art gallery, not liking the show, making a big stink about how you're leaving, then throwing a tantrum when others don't leave with you. Then hanging around in the parking lot and popping back into the gallery every now and then to further complain about why others didn't leave when you left, as though their staying somehow affects you. Then going to the manager's office and asking the manager why he doesn't just close the exhibit entirely, since you've announced there's nothing to see or talk about there.
My analogy is the best. I got all the bases covered. Your ex-girlfriend story doesn't make sense. Who's the ex-girlfriend? Am I the ex-girlfriend? Is it Lejuan? Which of us are you saying is hot in this weird fantasy of yours?
I'd say it's more like going to an art gallery, not liking the show, making a big stink about how you're leaving, then throwing a tantrum when others don't leave with you. Then hanging around in the parking lot and popping back into the gallery every now and then to further complain about why others didn't leave when you left, as though their staying somehow affects you. Then going to the manager's office and asking the manager why he doesn't just close the exhibit entirely, since you've announced there's nothing to see or talk about there.
My analogy is the best. I got all the bases covered. Your ex-girlfriend story doesn't make sense. Who's the ex-girlfriend? Am I the ex-girlfriend? Is it Lejuan? Which of us are you saying is hot in this weird fantasy of yours?
Dunno whether this picture had been posted:
Dunno whether this picture had been posted: