Al Sharpton is a joke to me, and I take nothing he says very seriously (same goes for most pandering ideologues). But I'm surprised Spike Lee would take such offense. Wouldn't surprise me if it went beyond the actual substance of the film and was more related to personal enmity with QT. I wonder if QT would get that same response from those guys if he wasn't a white guy. . .
I would be interested to hear the specific criticisms Lee is levying against him. Might google it one of these days. I personally didn't think Django was offensive at all. At least, no moreso than any other given QT film.

He's lower than roach droppings. He's been race baiting for years and gotten away with it. If you know his history, you would know all the slurs he's dropped on his own yet expects people to take his arguments seriously. MSNBC should be ashamed for employing that phony.