Enterbay Facebook prevents freedom of speech

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If you don't like what they do with their own page, don't go there, don't read it, don't post on and for sure don't come here and whine about it.
Do these guys take suggestions for licences?Cause I'd really love if they'd expand they're Onimusha line.
Thanks for all comments and appreciate your time.

Just a clarification that the posts on EB FB that been deleted are not rude nor just saying EB suck. However, I do agree that the comments here and change my view now - that page is a EB page. All I can do is to stop viewing that page and may stop buying the product.

Again, thanks everyone for the comments.
Exactly what I was going to say. It's their page, they can do whatever they want on it including censor posters. To be fair though, I've seen the way fans express their opinions and I don't blame them. Fans more often than not come off as rude and entitled little _____es who are pissed because a product doesn't turn out they way they wanted.


Well said. Way to many people these days have this warped sense of entitlement.

So essentially, if I came barging in your house and screaming at the top of my lungs how much you suck, and you kick me out, you're violating my First Amendment rights? :cuckoo: Truth is, they have every right to do this. You're not entitled to have anything remain there. Create a "SAY NO TO ENTERBAY!" FB page and start posting hateful rants (just make sure you show proof of your claims and don't violate your user agreement). If they get that deleted, you have a better argument.

:lecture :lecture

:lol :lol :lol


pfffft...they're toys. why do people get so bent out of shape over them? honestly, i read through this board everyday just to laugh my ass off at all the over critical "fanboys" who are ready to pop a blood vessel over trivial things like number of eyebrow hairs.

seriously, go upstairs, tell your parents you're going out, tell them "no really, i am" when they look at you in shock, and then go outside and get some fresh air. it will be kinda bright at first but your eyes will adjust after a short while. oh, and don't get scared of those long-haired people with all the curves. they're called women.
If you don't like what they do with their own page, don't go there, don't read it, don't post on and for sure don't come here and whine about it.
You are free to post your further comments on this thread and I will keep the thread.
Why is this surprising or controversial? Companies do this kind of thing all the time, and have every right to do so, as others have said. They don't set up their Facebook page so folks can have be critical of them and potentially hurt their sales. Sideshow doesn't post negative comments on their site, but you don't see folks getting all bent out of shape about it.
OMG!! My actions have caused a thread to be started here on SSF LOL!!

W T F!!

I think I made myself VERY CLEAR - READ WHAT I PUT - I said you are welcome to give constructive criticism of the products but DON’T follow up with things like EB is _____, EB are Liars, etc etc.

Some people constantly saying the same thing over and over again, So I Deleted. End of story.

Go and join this group Enterbay Forumn (is that how you spell forum?) that has NOTHING to do with EB and in there you can start as many threads as you want. :hi5:
There is a debate on Enterbay facebook regarding freedom of speech. The owner of Enterbay facebook removed people posts who against Enterbay and reasoned as these posts are not "constructive criticism". They even blocked these users to put more messages in their page (including myself). Recently many people are fed up about this. Please have a look and use your own judgment. Support what you think is right. Thanks.

I support you deleting this thread. :thud: Does that count?
pfffft...they're toys. why do people get so bent out of shape over them? honestly, i read through this board everyday just to laugh my ass off at all the over critical "fanboys" who are ready to pop a blood vessel over trivial things like number of eyebrow hairs.

seriously, go upstairs, tell your parents you're going out, tell them "no really, i am" when they look at you in shock, and then go outside and get some fresh air. it will be kinda bright at first but your eyes will adjust after a short while. oh, and don't get scared of those long-haired people with all the curves. they're called women.

Freedom of what? Beach please...you said it best Craw.
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oh thanks. i'll be here all week.

i just think it's silly that some people wanna slander a company on their own page and then get upset when they won't allow it. Sideshow moderates every comment on their site. why wouldn't Enterbay do the same? and i find collectors to be a very demanding sort these days. nothing like it was when i first started collecting. if i worked for one of these companies i would have told the anti-fans to "STFU" by now. i'd probably be fired for it, but oh well.
oh thanks. i'll be here all week.

i just think it's silly that some people wanna slander a company on their own page and then get upset when they won't allow it. Sideshow moderates every comment on their site. why wouldn't Enterbay do the same? and i find collectors to be a very demanding sort these days. nothing like it was when i first started collecting. if i worked for one of these companies i would have told many anti-fans to STFU by now. i'd probably be fired for it, but oh well.

If I was an employee, I'd probably just save the droppings bags from walking the dog and ship people "special" packing peanuts. :wink1:
I agree. These companies are businesses and I don't see why they should allow people to insult their products on the pages that are meant to advertise their stuff. If I don't like something, I don't buy it. No whining necessary.
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