Yes, despite everything IdentTab keeps saying, looking at the page now I still see out-and-out criticism, some going back weeks, and so criticism itself obviously isn't forbidden. What's perhaps forbidden, IdentTab, is repetitive, go-nowhere and add-nothing whining. There's a point where something is said and the matter has been made abundantly clear. To continue after that point is to be a troll or at the very least unhelpful and disruptive. I think your problem is that you don't know where that point is.
You are twisting the facts right here. You act like you're the only one that can see their Facebook and all people have to go on is your word. The people you're trying to convince here have visited their Facebook too, and so enough with the 'We are friendliness and have be polite' nonsense. There definitely has been many instances of rude and outright insane messages left on that page of late.
On top of that, in your posts here you're coming off as quite unreasonable, pestering and annoying and so I don't think anyone's reading along and feeling that you've surely been wronged.
The Enterbay website can be found here:
Concerns can be given via the 'Contact' link in the lower left hand side of the page. Or is that no good because what you really want is a soapbox where people can 'like' your comments and pat you on the back?