Here is how I modded GOD heads to fit on BL 2.5 & 3.5 bodies. This takes less than 1 - 5 minutes depending on how you feel about the neck. *cough*Yankee*cough*
I have also tried the neck ball grinding method to fit it on the forementioned BL body from ebay which was modified to fit HT heads, but it is a lot more difficult to do, and it offers so little neck articulation compared to the mod I am about to show you.
I discovered this mod purely by accident. I had forced the GOD head into HT body, and when I tried to pull it out, the neck peg seperated from the head. It did not break off, but rather it simply detached, because the plastic glue that was holding the neck peg to the head loosened up, and the peg broke free. The hole left behind happnes to fit the neck pin of BL bodies perfectly. I simply pushed the pin into the hole, and voila!, the mod was done. So I simply grabbed another head, loosed the neck peg with a pair of pliers, and it came right out. This mod really depends on how strongly the neck peg is glued to the head. Out of 6 GOD heads I have, 2 of them were glued so tight that I could not loosen them with ease. Here are some pictures to help you visualize.
BD Head
Neck Peg Removed
Head Installed on BL2.5
Gap Shown With The Head Fully Pushed Forward
If this bothers you, you can simply enlarge the detent slot on the head so it will fit tighter. Once you've gotten this far in your mod, you will see what I mean. But I am not as neck obsessed as SoMeBoDy on this forum, and I left it alone. You can't see it anyway once you install the hair piece.
This looks fine to me.
It is incredible how good this GOD head sculpt actually is. I am amazed everytime.
The advantage of this mod is, first, it's easy. Second, it offers greater neck articulation than neck ball grind mod. And last, it is not a permenant mod. You can always throw the neck peg back in the head and pop the head in on RM-X1 body, and it holds just fine.