I love Black Plague Bruce
I love Black Plague Bruce
Hi. I recieved mine recently and i'm concerned about the neck area. The head naturaly faces up a little on my one, If I tilt the head to look straight forward for a more natural pose it causes creases on the thin latex cover of the neck area. This has caused a bubble to appear in the skin just bellow the collar line of the clothing.
Is this creasing normal or is it just on mine?
Also the fact that there is no articulation on the abdomen makes it stand slightly awkward in my oppinion as well.
The new body rmx has a better paint than the old one on the first batch release, but I really don't like it because is full of defects, creases, when you curve arms and waist,and the posability is very limited... no good for me ...
pic by arrovve
Looks like they painted a bit over the plastic legs. Not that anyone is going to see it when displayed. Only an observation
Given all the complaints about the limited poseability with this figure, & the worry of posing it in "extreme" poses over a period of time, I'm thinking it might have been better for EB to have kept the seemless body. But of course, if it was released like that, perhaps peeps would complain about not having any articulation
Why is Larry examining the crotch area?
I have no idea!