HT are the McDonalds of the figure world and although they've made some awesome figures, it doesn't make everyone a masterpiece.
1. Bias is a term used to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective, ideology or result, especially when the tendency interferes with the ability to be impartial, unprejudiced, or objective. In other words, bias is generally seen as 'one-sided'.
2. i said 'HT Godfather is great', i have it, i like it!!
3. I said 'it doesn't make everyone a masterpiece.'
4. Can't be arsed with an argument.
HT as McDonalds just refers to HT being top dog is all, nobody said 'it doesn't make everyone a masterpiece' only me.
Are you commenting on something I said? I thought we were going to stay out of each others way. What generic neck are you talking about? You must be looking at something entirely different than me. When I look at the jaw line, all three necks seem to be the same width. As you can really only see the left side of the neck on all three, you can see they all jut out from the head at the same point. Now tell me how a too long neck looks better because it's been sculpted for a frame wearing a fat suit. What the hell are you on? We're looking at necks now, and how one looks better.If Enterbay is using the stock generic neck for Vito, it might look a bit too thin or scrawny for a guy his size. You can tell that by looking how the jawline tapers inward into where the neck starts. HT's neck could ostensibly be a bit long, but it looks better because it's sculpted for Vito's frame.
I saw Enterbay's Vito today during ComicCon... and I gotta say,
it looks way better than HT's
HT's accessories are better though...
Shown this pic to 9 work mates, all unbiased, and often call me for collecting dolls!!
Anyway all except one said they think Enterbay Godfather is more like Brando!!!
There's a lot of Hot Toys biased collectors on here that will argue that HT is best.
HT are the McDonalds of the figure world and although they've made some awesome figures, it doesn't make everyone a masterpiece.
There's no denying that when you see a picture of a figure and it looks good, in hand it's always better, so, although the HT Godfather is great the Enterbay Godfather is gonna rock!!
I just showed that pic to 22 of my co-workers and 21 of them picked the HT version.
Enterbay is the Carls Jr of the figure world.
Are you commenting on something I said? I thought we were going to stay out of each others way. What generic neck are you talking about? You must be looking at something entirely different than me. When I look at the jaw line, all three necks seem to be the same width. As you can really only see the left side of the neck on all three, you can see they all jut out from the head at the same point. Now tell me how a too long neck looks better because it's been sculpted for a frame wearing a fat suit. What the hell are you on? We're looking at necks now, and how one looks better.Fair dinkum. If.
Where you been?The EB Godfather comes with it's own body.
"So very soon you will witness the Enterbay Godfather stepping up to a whole new level, with new improved head sculpt, advance paint application, improvement to the Godfather chair, exclusive tailoring, new FS200 figure stand and the exclusive RM-2 Body especially designed and developed for this edition to enhance the perfect proportion of “The Godfather”."
Excellent reference material you chose.
If I did not have an ego I would not be here tonight. If I did not have an ego I might not think that I was right. If you did not have an ego you might not care the way you dressed. If you did not have an ego you'd just be like the rest. Ego is not a dirty word. Don't you believe what you've seen or heard.