OT Preferist
Yep, fickle... I'm sure the debate is far from over, and as usual people will have a natural bias towards the one they own.
Fickle and opinionated.![]()
The trouble for me is, that the ones with the opinions, that you say are swaying the balance of which is better, already have the Hot Toys one, so would think it is the better one because they already bought it.
A few new pictures have emerged and in less than 24 hours Hot Toys is deemed the winner.
As it is, I dare say Hot Toys will win, in the minds of those that have it, regardless of what Enterbay brings to the table, and in spite of it. That's not to say there will be a clear winner, but overall, comparisons will be made on many levels and one, the other, or both will have different aspects that will not just be better, but also different. Hot Toys will be deemed to have more winning aspects, relevant to those making their particular judgements, and opinions will justified because of it.
The only time I can recall something similar to this happening was when Hot Toys and Takara battled over Batman. Takara was shouted down, and later touted as being the one to have.
Fickle is right.
The Sideshow PF is obviously 10x better than either HT or Enterbay's squalid attempts.
The Sideshow PF is obviously 10x better than either HT or Enterbay's squalid attempts.
The Sideshow PF is obviously 10x better than either HT or Enterbay's squalid attempts.
Do you own stock in EB or something????? Jeez... You just dont put the battle flag down do you??![]()
Thanks Shai. It's good to know that even though we don't agree on everything, there is a mutual respect present and a glean for a laugh that underlies most postings. There's a saying, "I'd rather be ^^^^ of the King, than King of the ^^^^". I think that's applicable here.Creecher is wise.his stench his horrible but he is a wise man.I support all the things he says on this board.He is the last King of Australia too.
plasmid, what are you saying? Did you mean ten times bigger? I don't mind barracking for the underdog, but not a dog that's six feet under. It's too late for me to argue that case. I'd be most interested to see if you have more to say, other than being controversial, although controversy does spark conversation in most cases, but in this case it borders on disbelief. That's just my opinion of course. I'm not looking to shut you down. I guess I'm taking this all too close to heart because I'm starting to feel paranoid.The Sideshow PF is obviously 10x better than either HT or Enterbay's squalid attempts.
:And I don't I've ever seen this one used, ever:
^ What occasion would call for that?
plasmid, what are you saying? Did you mean ten times bigger? I don't mind barracking for the underdog, but not a dog that's six feet under. It's too late for me to argue that case. I'd be most interested to see if you have more to say, other than being controversial, although controversy does spark conversation in most cases, but in this case it borders on disbelief. That's just my opinion of course. I'm not looking to shut you down. I guess I'm taking this all too close to heart because I'm starting to feel paranoid.![]()
That is easy.
Here's an early shot of HT Godfather, and that turned out ok!