Enterbay HD: 1/4 scale Rambo III

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sorry but i cant stand the box - it looks like that poly-foam, while lighter and less shipping this cant be very protective. got me a little worried. the T2 box was awesome for protecting the fig. a brick!

If the box fits snugly inside the shipper, it shouldn't be any different than the T2 situation. You've still got soft foam on the inside, so the styro on the outside is simply a casing to hold it all in. You're not going to get more protection with cardboard or thin plastic or whatever other materials they could use.

A shipper within a shipper would be cool, though. :D Almost looked like that in one of the previously-posted pics, so who knows?

But for me First Blood will always be tops. It was more then action. It had something to say. Like Rocky. It was more then a boxing movie. It was about people.

True, true. That scene with John spilling his guts to Trautman was hard-hitting and the fact is the writers weren't too far off. I like that Trautman uses that on Col. Zaysen in the third movie: "We already had our Vietnam. Now you're gonna have yours." Some cool lines in that one.
sorry but i cant stand the box - it looks like that poly-foam, while lighter and less shipping this cant be very protective. got me a little worried. the T2 box was awesome for protecting the fig. a brick!

there are shots ....maybe earlier in this thread, can't remember....of the Enterbay guys showing off how strong the next box is by doing things like standing on top of it to show off zero sag or indent.

They've definitely taken into account strength and protection of figure when coming up with these lighter boxes !

Saving on shipping is a nice idea, but will that saving be passed on to customers? Or will they pocket a nice little profit? What would you do?


Worldwide shipping for the T800 was $75 (if i remember correctly), so I guess we'll see :D
Unless they didn't want to go with a upper body articulation,that's definitely Rubber :(
Unless they didn't want to go with a upper body articulation,that's definitely Rubber :(

What's with the sad face, you know you're going to buy it know matter what the body is made of.

You got to love this site, only here do you have people talking about the box for three days.
What's with the sad face, you know you're going to buy it know matter what the body is made of.

Actually, probably not, rock's had some souring experiences with Hot Tous rubber figures and unlikely to buy a figure using rubber ever again.
Im sketchy about them using rubber too. I dont want my $400+ figure melting in a few days:lol
My only concern with a rubber torso, if that's what they're doing, is the underlying structure, hopefully it's something firm to keep the shape, as impressive as the muscle sculpt on the T-800 figure is, the rubber's pretty loose on the body beneath. I wouldn't want to see Rambo become dented looking or something.
let's hope EB knows what they're doing.I haven't heard about any problems with their latest Bruce Lee rubber figure other than staining,so that's a good sign.
Didn't say i wasn't gonna get it,im just hoping it isn't the type of body with Thick Rubber like EB latest one and HT's older ones.
I have 2 RMX bodies, & my original one is fine, but the left arm on the one I purchased separately (the nude body box set from EB) has "cracked" near the elbow area. It does also have stains on it, but it's not "melting" or deteriorating from what I can tell. But that's mine, which isn't comparable to what I've seen in there :lol
Yeah sucks with these Rubber bodies.Ive had problems with the oldest of the oldest ones from HT,Rambo 2 which is just pure garbage.The rest of the Rambo and Rocky figures ive had no problems with except one of my Rambo 3's ive posed differently shows signs under the armpits and elbows.You'll be fine with them if you don't play with them that much,but should that really be necessary?Screw Rubber,cause nothing but trouble,HT figured it out at last.