I attended the last JCVD / EB meeting 2 days ago!
More delay because Enterbay artists do not stick to what was agreed on!
1) Van Damme's triceps need to be longer.
2) I guess the chest needs to be wider a bit too.
3) The legs need more size and muscles for sure.
4) Some slight accessory modification.
5) A non-foldable stand should replace the foldable one. JCVD should have his own space on any shelf.
The head sculpt is great. The packaging (box) is a classy kickass one.
Outfit is cool as well!
The action figure can do the splits and super high kicks.
What look did they decide to go to? Any specific movie?
So is this going to happen?
I dont care too much if it isnt from any specific movie, because we can always kitbash an outfit.
I just hope the headsculpt is of a early 1990s JCVD, and not post 2000.
I kinda wanted a Bloodsport or Kickboxer figure, but I actually don't mind if it looks like Vilain. Might fit in with the HT Joe Colton & Barney Ross figures.it might (not sure yet) have a bit from Vilain's look/style.
It is not "going" to happen.
It is "happening". I saw the figure, the outfit, the accessories, the packaging. If Enterbay just listens to the things Jean-Claude Van Damme has been asking for since longtime, it will turn out awesome.
Again, this is a Jean-Claude Van Damme action figure not a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie character. Yet, it might (not sure yet) have a bit from Vilain's look/style.
It might or might not come with 2 heads! I am so sorry if I can't be so sure at the moment, EB doesn't show too much of it. Anyway, let's hope EB will work fast on these muscle corrections so we finally have the Muscles from Brussels – JCVD in our hands.
I kinda wanted a Bloodsport or Kickboxer figure, but I actually don't mind if it looks like Vilain. Might fit in with the HT Joe Colton & Barney Ross figures.
i'd go for ETD A ..just my opinion
What's ETD A stands for Chris if i may ask.![]()
The 'Game Of Death' prototype.I have a question please. Which EB 1/6 Bruce Lee figure do you think is the best looking to stand next to the JCVD figure? Thank you.