I got this fig today & OMG what a load of rubbish Enterbay have produced here.
First: The fig is tiny in scale, I know he is not the tallest but my other figs tower above him, he is on some Bruce Lee body I think and just looks so undersized. Also nasty seams visible in the hands and neck.
Second: 'Wait till you see the neck and head gap'

I can almost get my finger in the gap
Third: The joints on this guy are absolutely terrible, you feel any minute the joint is going to snap off, horrible clicking noise when you move the leg and elbow joints.
Fourth: the clothing is so cheap looking, the jeans are full of thread pulls and the jacket just looks a joke.
Fifth: the base is average at best, feather light and strait out the box it looks like the name plate is tarnished. Also his sunglasses look too big on him
Sixth: Forget about the splits pose, the way this thing has been put together your lucky if just bending the knee will break the figure.
In Conclusion this is a shockingly bad figure from any company, if it was from some unheard off Bootleg company you would be disappointed but Enterbay!
This will be my last Enterbay figure, their QC never improves and they are charging Hot Toys money for something which a Bootleg company would be ashamed to of produced. The only + point is a decent but not perfect JCVD sculpt, which most companies in the 1/6 market can achieve anyway.