Finally, a shot of the gear, and it looks good too!
OSB have them in and are aiming for a Monday delivery date. Can't be bad. Hmm, I'm getting a feeling that, if I do the leg mod, then the pants might not look right. They look specifically tailored to that length of leg.
Maybe a slightly hunkered pose will work.....
Raymondo, that looks great, and it's exactly what mine's gonna look like
It's on its way from OSB!
I'm not really bothered about strict accuracy myself. I'm more interested in capturing the essence of the character than a look from any particular movie.
Basically, Matt Damon with a bag and a gun will be Bourne in many peoples' eyes.
If it's not accurate what's the point?
I ended up prying off the enterbsy neck plug which fit on a TT but gave the look of bulbous head and no neck. The HT plug gave him more length so I glued it on instead. He looks good, just like Damon but his head is still a bit big.
I gave his body to Mr. Spock. Perfect height and proportion!