Rocky Balboa is one of my favorite. There is so much emotion and sadness in the last Rocky film. Very well written and the acting was superb. It was a much needed sequel to make up for Rocky 5 and I absolutely loved it. Sly has had an amazing run the last 10 yrs with Rocky 6, Rambo 4, & The Expendables 1 & 2. All were great films...
I agree, Im glad he made it. I was so upset with the series ending with V.
Stallone has a bunch of movies coming out this year too.

It's funny, usually, when directors try to go back to what they succeeded with, time and change in them shows and they don't capture the same magic, like George Lucas and Star Wars, I don't think he was the same making the 2nd trilogy as the first. Sly though, he spent so many years away from acting, and especially from Rocky and Rambo, but when he went back, he actually found all the magic that worked in the original films that he lost along the way in sequels, and that's why Rocky Balboa and Rambo work so well, they captures the magic of Rocky and First Blood, seasoned with some of the better points of the sequels, but honing in on what made the originals work so much. I think with Rocky 5, Sly thought a good route would be turning Rocky into the Mickey character and exploring that, but it didn't work, Rocky needs to stay Rocky, and it wasn't enough to go back to Philly with the Rocky director either. Sly remembered why Rocky was popular, his character, his heart, his determination, if you watch Rocky 5, the character's actually almost devoid of those traits Without a fight to pursue, there's no sense of his determination, and he seems to just go through the motions for the rest of the film. The flashback of Mickey and the brief when he makes up with his son are the only real moments of heart, hell, Adrian's lashing out at him was more emotion than you really got out of Rocky himself.
Agreed. I just hated the idea and direction Stallone went with for V. At the end of IV, Rocky was the best of the best, and rightfully so. V completely destroys all of that. No one wanted to see a poor, over the top (pun intended

Thank God and Stallone for Rocky Balboa. It is the true fifth film as far as I am concerned.