Excellent punch... 

Still can't believe NECA did a figure with that for a sculpt![]()
Hey I bought it. Love it. I know we're in an Enterbay thread but damn has NECA impressed lately. I bought their new Jason IV figure and man the quality has increased imo.
Hey I bought it. Love it. I know we're in an Enterbay thread but damn has NECA impressed lately. I bought their new Jason IV figure and man the quality has increased imo.
Wow us Enterbay. Any day now! I mean c'mon, we're discussing NECA now![]()
I feel like they're pushing to give us as good a quality up to an Enterbay type level as possible while keeping to their traditional prices, definitely focusing towards people like us more than the teens at the mall market.
Seriously. I need more Stallone shizit. Just Imagine how awesome this will look next to Rambo.
Are you still getting Rambo voorhees?
Yessir. I'm just selling a few things first to raise some moola. There's a place in country that's offering it for $360 shipped brand new. So it's just a matter of time. Plus I think i'm gonna cancel my DX11 Joker order.
Yessir. I'm just selling a few things first to raise some moola. There's a place in country that's offering it for $360 shipped brand new. So it's just a matter of time. Plus I think i'm gonna cancel my DX11 Joker order.
Kind of funny (but not haha funny) how the movie vilified the Russkies for, in part, using steroids to help train their guy. . .
Let me put this to you, Ledger Joker figures are here to stay, Rambo is a highly under-produced character and the Enterbay figure is the pinnacle of mass produced Rambo pieces, if you had nothing else Rambo at all, he'd totally represent the franchise just fine.
Yeah it's just a matter of time now. I suppose i'm lucky that I still have a chance this late. From what you guys have said i'm sure i'll be blown away.
Let me put this to you, Ledger Joker figures are here to stay, Rambo is a highly under-produced character and the Enterbay figure is the pinnacle of mass produced Rambo pieces, if you had nothing else Rambo at all, he'd totally represent the franchise just fine.
Da Russians are so very bad and da Americans are so very very good.